Hot In Hel

"Don't move too far away... everyone here is... like me".

I roll my eyes.

"You are just different Heela, no better or worse".

Two kisses on the side of my head later and she rises, the carriage door opening by itself.

The ride was spent curled on me, she is deeply disturbed by this place.

I don't know her, but I do know trauma.

Torches light the way in the dark night.

The roundabout has other carriages rolling in, but Heela grabs my arm, and we walk briskly towards the large red doors of the black tower.

Our carriage moves away and disappears in the moonless night.

Everything around us seems darker, even the flames on the tall lamps seem redder.

Instead of pillars, it is a white reception hall, grey bricks can be seen behind the smaller double door.

A wide hallway that curves left and right leads to open doors situated ten yards apart from each other.