Good And Not So Good

Custom runes are engraved in every few inches of the vessel.

It looked like more than one was coming out, but those were just large glowing air bubbles.

The size is ideal for fast movement, the durability of the red oak means this thing is also made for expedition and exploration.

Ice doesn't seem to affect the wood, certain runes glow as the light in the water dims, small vessel hang off the side like dinghies.

Heelas eyes don't leave mine as the three rangers step on water and continue on towards the vessel.

Milk also walks past me, wearing a black cloak, with five others behind him.

"My boy, that was immaculate".

"Good on you".

He nods and walks around the body with tippy toes, as of not wanting to disturb a sleeping guest.

The kid reminds me of a flamboyant captain of a pirate ship.

As they step on water and walk towards the sea rider in the distance, Heelas bright green eyes get brighter.
