Cursed Waters


"Land, Jaki"!

The island is a large one, shallow waters break the waves making the reef a dangerous place to be, but the crescent structure is still a welcoming sight.

It has been a whole day and night of travelling, and I believe we are close to main land, and are hitting the different islands that surround the coast line.

Slow dots propel us, and I notice that it is two land masses connected with a thin strip of sand.

Numerous enclaves and pebble beaches come into sight the closer we get.

The wide stretch of open water behind the island is exposed over the flat lands.

With the wind blowing against our faces with an amicable breeze, it is a relatively nice day out.

The Sylph can be seen jumping up, and going back into the waters, none bothered us anymore but every once in a while I will catch one in the distance rising high before diving back down.