Industry & Valor

"Are ya fightin' the Praug scum? I thought ya were human?"

"I have a name, I'm not just a human, I am a whole person... why are you so narrow-minded?"

Durin-son leans back on the chair while sunlight bathes us.

We look like two old men sitting in the sun and enjoying some wine with our meat.

"I'm more open-minded than-a most."

"Tha humans used ta be plenty, now they hide away and speak of the coming of the end. Their women have no way to give birth, some say it is a curse from yer 'gods'."

"Yer kind is skittish, like a skile."

I shrug and glance over at him, taking another bite from the foul-smelling meat that tastes like whatever animal this is was cooked only minutes after it was butchered.

"No one knows that it is the women, it could be the men... we just tend to blame women."

"Why is tha'?"

He glances over at me, gesturing for me to refill his wooden mug.

"Probably because they are weaker."