No Safe Place

The sun's dying rays inspire a sense of dread, hope, and marvel in the people of Drummand and the Knights of House Vidian.

They take up the space available in the center of the deck of the slooper, and I watch from atop the mast, Jaki has anchored us not far from another empty beach.

Worries of Sylph grabbing them have the people huddled together close to the mast, some of them pushing against the fire pit that stopped burning due to the fear of the light being noticed.

Jaki and the group from the western island are also gathered in the dark.

Opening my hand, a mana stone is drawn from my subspace in a flash and I flood it with mana, it glows a dull white, and the more energy I discharge the brighter it gets.

Walking towards them soundlessly, I begin my explanation without waiting for them to get ready.

"Mana comes from the sun, it is also reflected off of the moon and shines down on us from above, like light."