Bad Attitude

Trees and trees, that's all I've seen since an hour ago. They were already in the forest by now and they still haven't arrived at their destination. A destination that would become a pretty cage for Caroline.

As his father said, she wanted to lock him in a word of disability and suffering. It is true that Caroline refused but her mother's words made Caroline unable to refuse. The words that said that his mother would be killed by his father if she dared to run away.

And Caroline laughed when she heard that, even though she couldn't believe her father would do such a thing. As her father wished Caroline complied and went with Luis to their destination. It was sickening but Caroline couldn't stand still when someone else's life was at stake.

Moreover, her mother's life is at stake, even though she is always annoyed with her mother, Caroline is still a child who wants to see her parents happy. And she knows his father is crazy and if she argues, his mother will surely be killed. Caroline hands clenched into fists ignoring Luis who was sitting next to her.


Luis knows he is weak and can't take care of Caroline properly, but Luis wants to do his best. Even if Caroline thinks it's bad as long as Caroline is fine then Luis will do it.

Caroline chuckled, glancing at Luis who looked guilty, the look in Luis eyes like that was very disgusting for Caroline. She didn't like her cousin's guilt, but Caroline was just disappointed. She was disappointed that he couldn't do anything to himself.

She always burdens others, even though he wants to live independently. But she always been a burden to Luis and she always been like that. Carolines hands cleched into fists even her long fingernails pierced her palms. The blood-red liquid slowly flowed into Caroline hand, but she didn't care.

She wanted to vent his emotions now, emotions that she has been keeping to himself for a long time. His bead closed feeling a sickening pain, not from his hand but from his left chest which for some reason began to feel tight.

"Caroline..!!" Luis shouted while seeing the blood soaking Caroline clothes.

Caroline mother who was driving stopped looking back where Caroline was staring at her blankly. It made him tremble, a look that hinted at deep hatred.

"Luis!!" Caroline jerked Luis hand away, ignoring the red liquid that was still running down his palm.

Luis just stared at Caroline, who chose to stay silent, staring at the window. It seems that Caroline just wants to be alone and Luis can't refuse if that's what Caroline wants now. But he was worried about Caroline wound which was still open, even though the blood was starting to dry, the wound could become infected.

"I treat your wound okay" Luis just tried but Caroline again jerked his hand that touched Caroline shoulder.

"Ignore me!!"

Luis sighed glancing at Caroline mother who was also worried but they finally nodded. The car started again and it didn't take long for only fifteen minutes after that they came to a strange big tree. Caroline mother looked at Luis who still looked worried for Caroline but Caroline just stayed where she was.

"We have arrived"

"Wait here"

Caroline mother got out of the car and went straight to the big tree, a light appeared not long after Caroline mother touched the tree. The little light grew bigger, Luis who was in the car was amazed at what he had just seen.

A large fence became the beginning of Luis vision until he could see a large building. The fence opened, revealing a vacant lot with a woman welcoming them.

"Welcome, Mrs. Edgar" the woman said with a wide smile on her thin lips.

"Nice to meet you Jennifer"

"Oh.. Mrs. Edgar" came a voice from behind where there was a man and woman wearing oversized white robes.

Caroline mother was surprised and immediately bowed to greet the two people who were leaders of the place. It wasn't just the two of them, there were several other Werewolf she knew were of high rank there.

"Don't be so polite Mrs. Edgar, we should be the ones greeting you" Caroline mother smiled, she knew that Edgar's family was not an ordinary family and that's why the woman who was a Luna in that place also spoke like that.

"No Luna Berdine, this is your place and we are just newcomers here"

The woman who was called Luna Berdine could only smile at her Alpha who looked so stiff. As a leader, of course, an authoritative attitude is common for his Alpha but he sometimes feels that his Alpha's attitude is too much.

"So where are they?" said an Alpha who was standing beside Luna Berdine.

Caroline mother immediately looked at the car where Luis who immediately got off was followed by Caroline behind her. Their gazes all turned to Caroline who seemed unconcerned. She just stood quietly beside Luis who bowed politely.

But Caroline didn't say hello at all, she just stood looking at the forest without caring for the Alpha's angry look.

"Caroline!" whispered Caroline mother with a hand gripping her wrist.

Caroline was grimaced and immediately looked at the leader of the place "oh.. you're the leader aren't you, then nice to meet you" Caroline words made everyone surprised.

How could anyone dare to act so impudently to their leader? In fact this was the first case they encountered in years. Luna Berdine immediately came closer to look at Caroline who didn't seem to care "your hand is hurt".

Everyone knew that Luna Berdine was very kind but being kind to people who were rude to their own Mate was beyond their expectations.

"Let go!" Caroline jerked Luna Berdine hand making the Alpha come closer.

"Hey.. you don't know what manners are!?"

One sentence that came out of the Alpha made the others silent in place. The pressure they feel makes them dare not look up, but Caroline is different she is the Omega who hates Alpha the most. And that also includes this Alpha in front of him.


Alpha's hand raised "calm down Mate"

The Alpha chuckled and immediately left the place. Caroline mother couldn't help but sigh at what had just happened but instead of being silent, Caroline became more and more intense.

"Don't mind me, go away!!" said Caroline, staring intently at Luna Berdine until she heard a growl from the front.