
Step by step Caroline continued to go through with Jennifer who continued to tell many things. From the history of this hostel, it was built and much more. And since earlier, Caroline wasn't really listening to him either, she was just thinking about lying on her bed.

Even though she heard from Jennifer that she would be sharing a room with another Omega but Caroline didn't care. Hall after aisle they walked until they saw a door that made Jennifer stop in her tracks.

Jennifer looked different and for some reason Caroline became uncomfortable with Jennifer judging gaze. Jennifer moved closer and immediately grabbed Caroline chin. His right hand touched right beside Caroline eye. The bright blue bead looked confused until Jennifer whispered a sentence.

A sentence that Caroline didn't understand but she was sure that what Jennifer said was important. Caroline backed away causing Jennifer to pat Caroline on the shoulder before walking away from Caroline.

"Oh.. That's your room, have a good rest" Jennifer said a little screaming because Caroline and Jennifer position was quite far away.

Caroline just stood there, her body froze. She definitely felt something different from Jennifer, she wasn't like Jennifer who kept saying boring things.

Caroline realizes there is something Jennifer is trying to hide and thinks it has something to do with her. Caroline still didn't realize she even fell down with a bead that looked restless. Why did Jennifer only say ambiguous things she doesn't understand.

She shouldn't have said it the way it was and she probably wouldn't be surprised to this extent. Caroline clearly heard the sound of approaching footsteps, but Caroline was too confused as to what to do. Her bead stared at the bandage in her palm, her bead began to close with a bad feeling.

Her oxygen supply was running low and Caroline couldn't hold her tears anymore. Until she finally gave up. Is his life really this bad, why can she be born different from the others. Why..??

"You're all right" the voice brought Caroline to her sense.

Caroline was surprised by the ragged breath, for some reason she felt something heavy. Something that could have killed him but she didn't really remember, with a weak body that person carried him into his room.

Whether that woman was his roommate, if so it seemed she would have to thank him later. His body was laid on an empty bed that was so cold but the blanket that the woman gave him was able to dispel the cold.

"Thank you" Caroline said in a voice so low that she could barely hear Caroline words.

"Never mind that," said the woman, smiling making Caroline smile too.

Caroline began to close her eyes with a calm feeling, she could still feel the woman sitting next to her. And finally Caroline fell asleep comfortably. The woman could only stay where she was looking at Caroline who looked so calm.

The woman waited a long time and she just stared at Caroline beautiful face. The woman took a deep breath and immediately changed her face, her friendly face changed to that of someone who is sick of her life.

"You don't expect too much from me" the woman said starting to stand up looking sadly at Caroline "I'm not the same as you" the woman continued turning around and immediately disappeared like a dust.

The bedroom door opened revealing a young girl with long blonde hair and dark black beads. The girl was surprised to see Caroline sleeping peacefully "is she the woman that Jennifer said" the girl mumbling to Caroline who was not disturbed in her sleep.

"Pretty but how can she sleep in dirty clothes like that?"

The girl laughed and felt that Jennifer had chosen the wrong roommate. How could she be in a room with a bad girl like Caroline, she even heard about Caroline reckless attitude. She was sure that Caroline would be bad with him.

With a mischievous smile the girl immediately pulled Caroline blanket making Caroline wake up in her sleep. Caroline was surprised to see the blonde haired girl laughing evilly at her.

"Hey.. don't you know what a bath is" said the girl making Caroline see her clothes were really dirty.

"You're disgusting" the girl continued turning her face away but it took Caroline by surprise.

It was the exact same sentence her father had said all along and Caroline knew she was disgusting. Indeed, who can be blamed if she is disabled. Indeed, who, should she be blamed for things that she does not know the cause.

"I know I'm disgusting, but you have no right to say that!!" said Caroline making the girl surprised.

Had she said the wrong thing, somehow she felt that she had said the wrong thing. But what she cared about she immediately pulled and sent Caroline into the bathroom. Caroline of course rebelled but the girl didn't care.

"Why are you, I told you to take a shower. And why are you using my blanket, ah.. I have to wash my blanket again because of you!" the girl was annoyed, after all she just washed the blanket yesterday but because of Caroline she had to wash the blanket again.

And Caroline realized but that didn't mean she was going to apologize, the girl behavior was enough to irritate her. Moreover, the girl words were not polite at all. It was obvious that Caroline was older than the young girl who kept grumbling about her blanket's fate.

Moreover, she did not believe that she had to share a room with such a fussy girl, he thought she would share the same room with the girl who helped earlier. By the way where is that girl huh...

"Shut up! You stupid girl!!" shouted Caroline with a straight face looking at the surprised blonde haired girl.

"You're so annoyed. Okay I'm sorry about your blanket but I don't have time to listen to your pointless ramblings!" said Caroline again and went straight into the bathroom leaving the young girl alone.

"Yeah..!! You dirty girl thought I would do this if it wasn't for you who started it!?"

It was clear that the blonde haired girl was annoyed, she even got angry with the blanket she threw at the origin "ah.. You're annoying!!" she said before laying his body in his bed.

It took quite a while for Caroline to show up clean. The girl threw her blanket in Caroline face making Caroline growl at annoying.

"Especially..!?" asked Caroline trying to be patient with her roommate.

"You have to wash my blanket and I want you out of my room"