Two Different Attitudes

Luis doesn't know what to do anymore, his body is being pulled forcibly with the eyes of everyone who thinks it's bad. The same look that Caroline had received. But is this his fault, he just wants to teach the ignorant Alpha a lesson?

How could he say that Caroline was a flawed Werewolf without a second thought? Yes.. Luis knows that Caroline is disabled but he never thought so. He always hoped that one day Caroline could meet her inner wolf. And if that happened, he would be the first to give a congratulatory message.

"Hey.. New kid, do you want to be a hero here" said a Beta with a look down on what Luis had just done.

Luis laughed, he never thought of it like that but this Beta he just met was casually saying funny things like that. This is very interesting and Luis is amused by what Beta has to say.

"I just hit him but you think I want to be a hero, hey.. I know your rank is high but I can't believe you will judge this with one eye. You don't even ask why I hit a jerk like him" said Luis at the end with a smirk that made The Beta in front of him immediately retreat.

Beta status is indeed lower than Alpha and that's what made the Beta status man back off. Luis's fiery red bead is terrifying, and for some reason, the Beta feels that those gazes are the same as those of the leader.

He immediately looked at the man Luis hit, the man was in bad shape. His face was battered and the man couldn't even speak because of his injured lips. He sighed harshly, glancing at Luis who smiled crookedly at him, whether this Alpha in front of him was crazy.

And he better not get into trouble with that Alpha. He was pretty sure that Alpha would grow into a dangerous Alpha.

"Then what's the reason?" the man asked patiently.

"If you're smart, you'll know why," said Luis, getting up.

The Beta man was surprised but one thing he didn't know was what the problem was that was the reason Luis hit the Alpha. He wasn't that smart person who could know the thoughts of people he had just met.

Luis glanced at himself with a chuckle "you're not that smart, well then you take care of that jerk and I'll take a nap in peace. Oh.. yes my place is at the very end, then see you" said Luis directly walked away until an Alpha approached him breathlessly.

Luis looks confused but he is also curious about what Alpha will say "your cousin fainted" Alpha said that made Luis surprised.

He clucked and immediately ran away leaving the Beta man who was still staring at him in disbelief. Alpha who gave the news to Luis immediately approached the Beta man "it looks like you have to come, the leader is furious at this time"

Okay, the Beta man can't refuse if the leader says it. It was obvious he was running with Luis now and Luis just chuckled at the sight. Even though he doesn't know what business made the Beta run after the Beta doesn't bother him then he doesn't have a problem.

They both arrived at the women's place, there Luis immediately ran towards The Luna's room. It was clear that Luis could smell Caroline being there, so the two of them quickly ran towards it. When he got there Luis could see Caroline who had passed out in the arms of an Alpha man.

Luis growled angrily and immediately approached the man "give it to me!" said Luis looking sharply at Alpha in front of him.

Again he had to meet a high-level Alpha, this time he met a Northern noble Alpha instead. It was clear from her silver hair and pale red beads.

"Who are you?" said the man, looking confused at Luis uneasy attitude.

"Frey is his cousin," The Luna replied, making the man named Frey immediately hand over Caroline to Luis.

"Luis take him and I'm sorry I can't take good care of him," said The Luna making Luis nod and immediately run away from the place.

In the infirmary Luis continued to hold Caroline's hand, Luis still couldn't believe what had just happened. His cousin who always smiled at him, fainted for the second time on the same day. Why is he so stupid and not taking care of his cousin properly.

Where are the words that he will take good care of Caroline, where is the confidence that he can take care of Caroline in this place? In fact, Caroline fainted again and he could only hold her hand firmly.

Outside is Beta who Luis met with that Northern noble Alpha. He could smell their scent from there, but Luis didn't care. He quietly continued to pray for Caroline to come to her senses. The door opened, it was clear that The Luna and Sena brought a plate of food for Caroline.

"Are you going to keep waiting?" asked The Luna making Luis nod.

He didn't look at Luna but Luna knew that Luis was very worried about Caroline "eat first, it's late and you haven't eaten anything since coming here" said Luna hoping that Luis would do what he wanted now.

"Then let Caroline starve, she hasn't even eaten since morning and you're telling me to eat. Where is your brain!!" Luis said making Luna silent, maybe it was true that Luis's words were rude but The Luna was aware of the current situation.

But Sena didn't want to hit Luis before The Luna stopped him "okay, but eat when Caroline is awake" said Luna pulling Sena to leave the place.

They came out and immediately invited the two people outside to go with them. There was no longer any reason for them to stay there. Just have Luis beside Caroline and everything will be fine. Luis closed his bead trying to make himself strong.

He should have remembered Caroline's frail body, and the fact that Caroline hadn't eaten since morning. Why did he stupidly leave Caroline like that?


Luis was surprised to see Caroline who was conscious, and Luis immediately hugged Caroline's body making Caroline hug him back "hey.. I'm fine what are you doing" Caroline's surprise made Luis let go of his hug.

Luis smiled "I'm worried.."