
The building that was familiar to Caroline and Luis they finally came to again. Caroline's family home that they had lived in all this time before Caroline was exiled. Caroline sighed as she looked at Luis who asked her to turn around, there was a tingling feeling and Caroline was annoyed about it.

Luis came fully clothed and approached Caroline who was silent in her place. Caroline's eyes looked at the house with a sad look and Luis immediately grabbed Caroline's hand "do you want to come in now?" Luis asked looking at Caroline who was breathing heavily.

Caroline didn't answer but she immediately pulled Luis closer to the fence of the house, they could see the quiet courtyard of the house without anyone there. Caroline opened the gate and walked straight in.

For some reason Caroline was feeling so bad right now, this might be a bad surprise for her father. But to his mother maybe she would like it. Caroline closed her eyes for a moment remembering she was about to meet her half-brother who had already taken her place.

Whether her stepbrother would be nice to her or not, Caroline kept wondering about it but she didn't find the answer until she met him in person. They stopped in front of the open door of the house showing the form of their father growling furiously at them.


Caroline huffed in annoyance, staring intently at her father who was getting angrier as if she had come at the wrong time. But if she kept stalling, she wasn't sure he'd be able to meet his mother. Somehow that's how she felt while in the dormitory for two days.

"Where's a mother?" asked Caroline still hoping that her father would answer.

Caroline gripped Luis hand tighter, and Luis was aware of the pressure Caroline was under. He who is an Alpha still feels that pressure, especially Caroline who is an Omega.

"Your mother? How is it, it seems you have to be ready to accept the fact if your mother dies"

Caroline froze feeling her body unable to bear the weight of this reality. She couldn't believe it, there was a wound inside him but it wasn't bleeding. It was so painful and Caroline immediately burst into tears without her knowing it.

Luis felt the same way, the memory of Caroline's mother who was always kind to him and always told him to look after Caroline made him not believe it. How could Caroline's father say something like that to his son, clearly this Alpha man in front of him was insane?

Luis could feel Caroline's body shaking and starting to cool down and Luis immediately grabbed the collar of Caroline's father's clothes "are you crazy!!"

Luis didn't care if he had to fight Alpha in front of him, as long as he could see Caroline feeling better then that was enough for him now. And Caroline herself looks so depressed with her body frozen staring blankly down.

"Hey.. Calm down Luis, you're just an errand boy here and it looks like you've been so close to that cripple. Ah.. I was going to give Edgar's family to you but you were a disappointment and I had to bring the kid. the cripple and come back to live here?"

Was Caroline's father this crazy, why did he have to serve him all this time. Why does he stupidly always obey Alpha's wishes, even though he is also an Alpha and also someone who can determine his destiny? And he just said crazy things when Caroline was there.

Luis will refuse, he doesn't want to continue to live in the hands of this ignorant man. He should have fought back so this wouldn't have happened. Caroline will continue to be happy and then Caroline's mother will also not die even though they will still be thrown away.

But it's better than them feeling this sickening, Luis smacks the Alpha in the jaw ignoring Caroline who seems to be telling him to stop. Nothing can control him and Luis will do anything to vent his anger.

Over and over again Luis beats Caroline's father, with no mercy for him. Until Caroline's father started fighting back, the fight was on. No one wants to give up creating a fight that will never end until Luis' anger is quenched.

"Stop..!!" Caroline shouted, but no one heard her.

Caroline was still trying to stop them both, it was clear Luis would lose in strength. Even though Caroline knows Luis has been training for the past two days, his father is still no match for Luis. And Caroline doesn't want to lose one more time, just her mother doesn't Luis either.

There was the sound of approaching footsteps ignoring the fight between the two werewolves there. The man approached Caroline who was still trying to stop the fight. He glanced at Caroline's face, which was so messed up but looked so beautiful to her.

The man chuckled before taking Caroline's hand and sprinting away from the place. Luis didn't notice and that made it easier for the man to do his thing.

"Aish.. stop!!" Caroline screamed, she couldn't see who it was but she could smell the Alpha on the man's body.

His body was immediately pushed towards the bed, this place was Caroline's bedroom. It's really funny that she can come back here but that's not what matters, but the Alpha guy who locked the bedroom door scares him.

"Who are you!? And what do you want!?"

The man laughed and turned to reveal the face of the young man Caroline believed to be her half-brother. Was she not mistaken if the one who took him was his half-brother. Seems like everyone in this house is crazy, including his half-brother huh...

"Night, sister," said the man, smiling broadly, showing a sweet face that looked so disgusting to Caroline.

"Finally, I was able to meet you, why did you run away that day if you didn't run away, we would have spent a little more time" the man came closer, making Caroline realize that something was strange.

This is worse than his father's "stay away from me!!"

"Ever since I saw you fighting with your father, I became interested in you and I knew you would be here. Do you like my gift?"

The man touched Caroline's chin and also locked her movement very quietly. Caroline rebelled but her strength was inferior to that of an Alpha. But she tried to avoid the man's gaze, Caroline didn't understand the crazy man's thoughts but Caroline seemed to have forgotten something important. Something that was said to be a gift from that madman.

"I killed your mother sister"