Ice Gems Forest

The wind was blowing hard, the two seemed silent without intending to talk to each other. After the incident, both of them seemed not to care about each other's attention. It might look like it, but they were both thinking the same thing.

That was what Caroline had said, the words that said she intended to meet the birth mother of her past self made Frey think hard. He didn't believe in reincarnation but Frey couldn't ignore the facts.

Maybe what Caroline said is a lie but what if it is the truth that still has secrets in it. And somehow Frey became curious about what the girl was hiding.

The icy blue bead glanced at Caroline before returning her focus to the long road. If only he was alone he wouldn't have to walk like this. He knew the rumors that were being spread about Caroline and that was why he didn't talk about shapeshifting.

He didn't want Caroline to feel uncomfortable about it, and he just kept quiet letting her do what the girl wanted "are you okay walking like this?"

It wasn't Frey who said it, but Caroline who knew that Frey didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. Surely Frey knew clearly that she was considered disabled but if she met Livina's mother, she would be able to find something to speed up the change.

Even though she didn't believe it himself and just followed Livina's wishes. Frey's steps stopped staring at Caroline who was tired of walking like this since earlier "it doesn't mean I told you to change form" Caroline said quickly when she found out the meaning of Frey's gaze at her.

She obviously couldn't possibly ride Frey's body in Werewolf form, obviously, that would be very disrespectful but if this continued then they wouldn't have reached it. But she couldn't do something so embarrassing like that.

"If that's what you want I don't mind."

Caroline was taken aback, her cheeks hot as Frey took off her robes. Was Frey going to transform because of his words? Isn't that too embarrassing especially since she's a nobody to Frey, she's just a woman who troubles him and asks him for help right now?

Is this okay? What if Frey was uncomfortable when she was on top of the man's body. If it was Luis maybe Caroline wouldn't have thought about all these embarrassing things but there's no Luis right now and she's cursed herself for being handicapped.

"Turn around!" Caroline realized that Frey was about to take off her clothes and her face immediately turned red with increasing embarrassment.

She closed his eyes hoping this was just a dream but Frey's small howl made him turn his head. She was surprised when she saw the Werewofl's shape with snow-white fur, the Wereofl's blue beads looked so beautiful and Caroline was mesmerized by the Wereofl's figure.

Caroline immediately took Frey's robe and clothes which had been neatly folded by her. This was so embarrassing, his face still flushed red as she walked up to the snow-white Werewolf. His hands immediately touched the hair on the back and immediately rose.

"Sorry if I'm heavy," said Caroline feeling very embarrassed.

There was no answer and the two of them left quickly, cold air stinging Caroline's body. They drove long enough that even Caroline couldn't count how long she had been riding on Frey's body at this point.

Luckily there wasn't a blizzard today, otherwise, they definitely wouldn't have continued their journey. And Caroline felt lucky that she wouldn't be staying with Frey long, maybe she'd be in the North in the morning.

The light of dawn began to appear, the girl was pensive for a moment staring at the morning sun. They would be here in a minute, and Caroline would surely have the answer. Frey glanced at Caroline, who was smiling broadly at the morning sun.

This was the first time he had seen Caroline's smile and for some reason, something felt warm inside him. He didn't know that and Frey immediately shook her head hard looking ahead again. His inner wolf laughed at him there was something the Werewolf wanted to say but he didn't want to.

It seemed like he couldn't say that right now and he'd better wait for the right time for it to come.

'Do not laugh!'

'Sorry sir, but you seem to like the girl'

Frey immediately glared at her inner woof 'I just....'

'Just what isn't Master mesmerized by that girl's smile?'


The werewolf laughed again and refocused on his task, in contrast to Frey who looked confused herself. Even his cheeks were flushed even though he finally covered it with both hands.

They stopped, clearly the Ice Gems forest was in front of them. Caroline's gaze clearly showed one of admiration before looking up at Frey who asked for her clothes.

Caroline immediately turned around to let Frey change her form again "are you going to go in there yourself?" said Frey making Caroline turn around.

Caroline nodded seductively at Frey who was fully clothed.

"What if I accompany you?"

Caroline was shocked, did she hear wrong? There's no way Frey would want to accompany him, Frey wasn't the kindest person to accompany him. But Frey has always been helping him, is Frey such a good person?

Caroline was silent staring at Frey's eyes which looked confused, there was no answer from Caroline and it was clear that Frey was confused "hey.. are you okay?" said Frey looking straight at Caroline's blue beads.

"Ah.. it's not necessary, you must have other needs and I don't want--"

"Nothing, I don't have a schedule today, and helping you seems like it would be fun," said Frey quickly.

He even cut off Caroline who seemed to nod in agreement "but from now on I hope you don't ask anything about what happened next!" said Caroline glaring at Frey who nodded in understanding even though she didn't like it.

The two of them immediately walked into the forest and the first thing they saw was a towering icicle. It seemed like it was the entrance, moreover, Livina said she just needed to walk straight without hesitation.

"Are you sure about this way?" asked Frey looking around which was starting to feel strange.

"Didn't I tell you not to ask anything!" and Frey fell silent without asking any more questions.