Hope Can Go

The noise of the vehicles made him exhale harshly, observing the cold night sky. The coat she was wearing couldn't even dispel the chill in his current body. It felt like a dream that she was finally back in this place, but she couldn't help but miss someone so much.

Someone who said that she didn't want to be left alone, but now that person wasn't by his side. She was alone, running away on his own with the results of his efforts without anyone's help. Again exhaling roughly with raised hands, his fingers moved to try to catch one of the brightly shining stars.

His smile widened, feeling that all of this would be in vain. The star she will not be able to reach, there is only a dream that will bring him to ruin for the umpteenth time.

"What if I jump" his bead sparkled, implying a form of curiosity over what had just occurred to her.