North Pack

The North Pack was confused since the past two days there has been no news of their Lord's whereabouts. They had mobilized all the Cetta's, but no one could find the whereabouts of the Lord.

They start to panic, especially Beta named Lugh who currently can't sleep because of the presence of the Lord who doesn't know where. He was good at being the temporary leader there, but in his own time, his true demeanor would emerge. Panic and confusion about what to do.

Hoping that the Lord would be found soon, but all that was left was fruitless information he received. His steps moved restlessly, back and forth in the same place as the fingernails he was biting. Her beads moved restlessly, looking left and right without caring about her head getting dizzy.

But the sound of the door opening violently made him startled, jumped in surprise by the gaze that fell on a beautiful woman who looked angry. Staring intently at him he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.