
Meanwhile, Luis was currently confused, staring at the busy street. He didn't have any clue and all this time he'd just been running around aimlessly there.

Kept thinking that he would find Caroline but to no avail. No scent or anything could bring her to such a gray Caroline. Everything seemed foreign to him, could Caroline possibly return home?

Was that even possible, considering what had happened and the reason Caroline had chosen the path of making herself dead. It wouldn't be possible if she was at Edgar's house right now, the obvious possibility was that Caroline had found a new place to live but she didn't know where.

He had to calm down, yes, that's what he had to do now. Luis made his way to the small cafe there. He exhaled roughly and sat down on one of the empty benches, luckily he still had some money.

'Ah.. this is the last money I have'