Grandfather Osmond's Grandson

"Are you all ready?"

Caroline turned her head, staring at Selena who was standing behind her. The woman smiled with the hand that brought the lunch box for her.

"Well, are you not going to come with me?"

Today, Caroline will move into a hostel. According to Caroline's wish who intends to hide her identity, the girl will enter a special school of magic. A school where all the students are magicians.

Everything just happened, Caroline had made up her mind not to bother Selena again. That's why she chose to enter the dormitory, especially since the magic school was quite far from where the Ice Witch was.

And of, a course school is just a form of formality, the most important thing is that she has to do all the tasks from Livina as soon as possible.

"Can't honey, there's a task waiting for me right now"

Caroline nodded, starting to get a small bag that contained all her belongings. Of course, it was a magic bag and Selena gave it to him.