Truth and Facts

Selena was silent, staring at the paper she got this morning. Staring briefly at the figure of a middle-aged man who was waiting to know the contents of the letter that Selena was carrying at this time.

"Huh.. do you want to know the contents!?" Selena asked, feeling that she shouldn't have shared the information she had.

But the middle-aged man was not going to give up, even the look on his face looked so pitiful because he wanted to know the contents of Caroline's letter after the girl had been away for the Magic Academy for so long.

As a grandfather of course he wanted to pay attention to his grandson, but you see Caroline never even sent a letter or anything. And today when he found out that Caroline had sent a letter he was immediately excited, hoping for a sentence full of longing from his granddaughter.

That's why he wanted Selena to read the contents of the letter in front of him.