Daylen Growth

Edgar's house was their last destination before returning, and Caroline was the most excited one. Even the girl ignored the greetings from the maids and ran straight to Daylen's room.

Frey and Jeremy could only sigh in resignation when the girl left, even though they were still at the door at this time. Caroline was going too far but the two of them went straight in when the Head Butler told them to come in.

Unlike the other two men, Caroline was gazing happily at the baby who was sleeping on the cot. If you remember this is the day that the baby's growth will grow rapidly and that's why she came here.

Luckily she remembered, otherwise she would have missed Daylen's growth. And not long after she saw Sena coming into Daylen's room, of course, Sena was surprised because she didn't know that Caroline would come today and she who had just come from the room didn't know if there were guests.