Start The War First

The red full moon, what do you think of when you hear those three words?

Do you feel amazed? Or maybe you feel like you're suffocating to death?

The possible answers for humans and werewolves are different, and what we will discuss here is for Werewolves. They will feel scared, and even think they will die if they don't run away to seek shelter. But it would be different if they already knew what was going on.

They chose to line up neatly staring at the Vampires surrounding their place. The Vampires who would gain more power during the red full moon looked so terrifying with the scent of blood wafting from their bodies.

Not the smell of their blood, but the smell of human blood that seemed to be their meal before coming here. And look at those Vampire's gazes, a mocking look that irritated the werewolves.