Stupid Daddy

In the end, Jason didn't understand why Caroline had toyed with him like this. Even the girl acted as if everything was unimportant. But now she was joking with him.

How could it be, the young man was more appropriate to explain about Stella who was his Mate status. Who is that man? Does he know his Mate? What relationship do you have and since when has your Mate been close to the young man?

This was so weird that he thought Caroline was a little crazy for the joke. Wouldn't it be better if the girl told him everything, or it could be Caroline who brought Stella to meet her? But even to bring her Mate here, the Lycan girl didn't even seem to care and had no intention of explaining everything she knew to him.

"No kidding!!" he said with a look at Caroline, "you think I can believe the words of that young man you brought with you!"