Bonds Stay Bonds

In the end, Caroline sticks to her decision, she's not going to stay in the West Pack forever. Moreover, she was also a guest there, and she also had a high enough status not to be there forever.

And now, the girl is pulling Daylen lazily, hey.. the young man just woke up from his sleep. Of course, Caroline was upset, even Jeremy who was by the girl's side was concerned about Daylen's condition.

Still, in his sleeping clothes, the man was pulled out of his room, he still hadn't even cleaned up all the clothes he was going to bring. Unfortunately, Caroline didn't care, glancing at the pathetic figure of Daylen before sneering at the young man's demeanor who looked like someone.

"Sis! You are so mean, how can you take me out in clothes like this!" Daylen was annoyed, trying to free himself from Caroline's grip who was tugging on the collar of the pajama he was currently wearing.