Chapter Three

Jennie's POV

it's been a very long day and I have tried so hard to find Jo's phone but I just can't find it. I have also called it several times but it's switched off. At least if it was on, I would have probably called the cops.

I reach for my phone not surprised to find 24 missed calls from Andrew. Andrew is my boyfriend. At least he should understand I am still grieving. Besides haven't he ever heard that if you call a person once and the person doesn't pick up, do not call again. it's not like the more you call, the louder it gets. I call him back. He answers on the third ring.

"Hey baby, I have been trying to get across to you"

"yeah, good day to you too" I hear him chuckle at my sassy reply.

"I would have dropped to check up on you, but Watson just arrived and we are spending time together at Blake's bar"

"Whatever I know your friend is more important to you than I am and truthfully, I don't care" I know I am acting irrational but like I said earlier I don't care.

"Jennie not this again. Do you mind joining us?"

"You are definitely crazy Andrew if you think I am going to leave my home to drink cheap beers with you" there is a knock on the door. I end the call and open the door to reveal Tatiana. She always remind me of Jo with their identical blonde hair only that hers was a darker shade compared to Jo's. She got the hair from her dad. Not like I am trying to snatch another's woman husband but Sheriff Louis is really good looking. I wish I met him first before Jo's dead dad.sorry ghosty.

"Hey Mrs Hart" her little voice greets hugging me and inviting herself in. I am not complaining.

"How was school sweetheart?" I ask her as we sit on the couch.

"it would have been bad if I had stayed"

"why did you ditch school?" she pretends like she didn't hear what I just said and takes Josie's diary from the table.

"earlier today, I was going through her diary and I realized that the last time she inputed in the diary was three days before her death" she turns her attention to me "and I think you should read it".

Tatiana's POV

As Jennie urges me to read it, I open the diary to the 2nd of January 2018.

Dear Pumpkin,

I really can't take it anymore. I am in Spain with a silent 's'. if Tatiana was here, she would have figured a way out for me. what do you suggest I do? oh nevermind, you are just a book...

she stops writing there and I see the sign of dried tears on the page. I close the diary has tears Wells up in my eyes. Jennie pulls me to her chest patting me gently.

"Here have it, I packed some cookies" Jennie hands me a box filled with the cookies we made earlier.

"Never mind. I am good. Besides, I had a lot to eat" I say rubbing my flat belly.

"who said it was yours? it's for the sheriff" she says and laugh. My dad use to be a close friend of Mr Hart before his death. My dad still visits her but never with my mum. My mum hates her guts, reason unknown to me but I do remember Josie always joking that her mom has a teeny weeny crush on my Dad.

I collect the box from her "thanks. Take care of yourself" I say and step out the door. she waves and shut the door.

Anna's POV

Tatiana has been stressed of lately. She has a lot of things on her mind and she really isn't taking Josie's death easy on her self. I don't like seeing my daughter hurt and for some reason unknown to me she blames herself. I also miss Josie. she was so loveable unlike her mom who happens to be a bitch. I mean I have seen her giving my husband side glances plenty of times. she is a whore and I hate her so much but one thing I was glad about was that Josie did not turn out like her mother.

The back door opens and Tatiana comes in right at her back is her dad.

"And there are my two favorite people" I say and hug them.

"Hey Mom" Tatiana greets giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. I try kissing her back but she pushes me away giggling.

"sweetheart you are not too old for a kiss" her dad tells her feigning a frown. she shrugs and settles herself on the kitchen counter.

"Sit on a chair Tatiana" I order but she just rolls her eyes. She brings out a box from her back pack and hands it over to her dad who gives it a sceptical look.

"What's that?" he asks

"Jennie told me to give you. it is cookies" she drops it on the table after noticing he didn't make a move to take it from her.

"There's no need for cookies. I made you guys favorite. guess"

"Lasagna" they both chorus and we all laugh.

"That's right. Now Tatiana you are to help me set the table while your dad put away his crime fighting look"

"I don't have a crime fighting look" he defends

"oh you do" Tatiana backs me up and we high five.

"That's not fair munchkin. You are meant to back me up, you had your mom's back last night" he complains causing us to laugh.

"oh really? I don't seem to remember" Tatiana says and shrug and I laugh at my darling husband.

"That's true dad. I remember now. Dad does not have a crime fighting look so take it back madam" I second guessed when Tatiana backed me up then. She was always supporting her dad but I am not jealous or anything because I know she loves me as well.

"well played Tatiana. it's time to get to work" I tell her pretending to frown and they both hug me in a tight embrace. How I love them so much and nobody is coming between us most especially not some silly widowed whore who had just lost her daughter.