On The Plane Part 2 (Chapter 66)

Wah... The plane shakes violently...

It's turbulence again...


"Flight attendants/Cabin crew, please be seated."

Shortly after the seat belt sign illuminates.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign. We are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please return your seats and keep your seat belts fastened. Thank you."

Ken and Mike quickly fastened their seat belts.

After 10 mins of turbulence, it stopped.

Mike asks Ken "are you alright?"

Ken says "yes, I am. How about you?"

Mike says "I feel dizzy... I will sleep for a while."

Before Mike falls asleep he emails "K".

In the email to "K", 'I am feeling dizzy after the turbulence. I'll need to sleep for a while, please look after Ken during this time.'

"K" replies "okay."

Mike falls asleep after he reads "K" email.