Ken In Emergency Abu Dhabi Airport Part 3 (Chapter 76)

Previous Chapter 75:

The 3 bodyguards and "K" follow Ken and Mike.

Remy, Jin, and 1 bodyguard while waiting to collect the luggage.

Remy looks at Mike walking with Ken towards the emergency room directions suddenly Jin grabs Remy's arm.

"You don't need to look, he walks far away. Are you serious?"

Remy shoved Jin's hand. "You better stay away from me, don't cause misunderstanding."

"Oh, okay! I'm more interested in Ken."

"You better don't touch the person because that fellow you're not his opponent."

"Sir, can you please don't argue and help with collecting the luggage."

Remy looks at his bodyguard. "See it's your fault, hurry up I need to collect all luggages and see Mike."

Jin turns his head and looks, oh that person is Zack! "You see on your left Zack is there!"

Remy looks "oh no! But why are we afraid of Zack? Hold on we mustn't let him see us because of Ken. Quickly grab all the luggage."