Mark Follows Chris Car (Chapter 114)

In the previous Chapter 113,

After some time, Chris looks outside the hospital.

There is a shield outside the hospital.

Chris is looking from the outside. He knows one day this will happen. He created an underground tunnel that can drive through from outside.

The mechanisms are operated from his watch, car, or handphone.

Chris clicks and there is a hidden pathway lifted from the road.

Remy and Kyrin are surprised by the invention.

After Chris drives inside, the pathway automatically closed and becomes a normal road.

In the tunnel there are lights.

Chris drives through and parks his car.

Someone approach Chris.

"Sir, you are back? Is everything alright outside?"

Chris says, "Outside not good, you wait here for me after I get my things you will come with us."

"Yes, Sir."

Remy and Kyrin look at the man.

He seems old.

Chris quickly scans his card.

The lift door opens.

"Quick Remy, Kyrin come inside."

Remy and Kyrin follow Chris in the lift.