The water continues to rise and it graces the bottom of the Bubble, it floats atop the water. Like the great flood in the book of Genesis, the Bubble like Noah's ark, their only chance of survival. It bobs and sways with the current of the waters, slowly arising the top of the horrid Chasm. The light, though dull and dusty greats the rim of the Bubble, without a clue they had come out of the Chasm, bruised but safe.
As they emerge to the top, Samuel hears Matt's sweet soft voice as he sings him a Lullaby, his voice was like cotton candy, soft, and sugary as it melts in your ear, simply addicting.
"Listen to me, life is far from a dream,
Twisted and hurtful it can be,
you will bend, buckle and brake,
cry from a single mistake,
Just Cry Baby Cry,
Hush the weeping willows and bid the tearful goodbyes
Just Cry Baby Cry,
Bid the tearful sorrows and let it all go by"
He ends on a soft airy falsetto, the melody still rocking Samuel's mind back and forth, like a cradle rocking a baby. And like a baby, Samuel melts into the comfort offered, sniffling as he musters a smile. Pulling apart from each other, their smiles turn into laughter as they mock the event to lighten the moment. "Stupid hole in the ground that tried to kill us," Matt said. "Yeah, But like What the FUck DAD!!" Samuel said watching around. "Umm, you good!?" Mat asks, "It's nothing," Samuel said shrugging it off.
The old man grits his yellow teeth, angrily throwing a grunt out of his lips, "Those pathetic little crybabies, Augh! I will watch them burn" he said folding his fingers together, leering at the orb in front of him, watching the two boys laugh. "Soon" he states.
An owl's screech startles the two boys as they look around for what caused the noise they realized they were out of the chasm. The walls left crumbling, the ground left a long line as far as the eye can see. Some more of the pillars had fallen, the cells had collapsed in.
Using his right hand's index and middle finger close together, he creates a circle with his hands, leaving a blue circle of light in the air, retracting his hand the bubble starts to open up from the top, exposing the dust in the air to their stuffy nostrils. The bubble continues to open until it met halfway, Samuel then pushes forward his hand gently as air escapes from the light circle it propels them forward in the water.
They cruise along the top, Samuel using his hands to direct the direction, avoiding some of the ceilings that continue to fall. Matt rolls down into the bubble, relaxing as he lays by Samuel's foot, the two boys share a glance at each other, a moment that lingers for five seconds, their eyes shared the same emotion, one neither of them dares to say.
The water is paved still as they cruise along, not a word dares to be uttered. Though the small glances they continue to share said enough, they felt as if they knew each other, as if they were close once. Once again pushed out of their thoughts by the owl's screeches, they again look for it, Samuel wondering if it knows a way out. He stops the bubble and listens, his head tilted down as they remain quiet, Samuel's head perks up ahead of them as the screech passes his ear. Using his floating circle he follows the sound. Banking every turn, dodging every fallen pillar.
He listens carefully as he swerves right and left, trying his utmost best to keep up with the owl's screech. "Slow down!" Matt exclaims, "Do you even know where we're going?" he asks as he grabs a hold of the bubble's rim. His chest flys back as his grip tightens, his jaws lifted as the water from his eyes flys behind him unto Samuel's pants. They continue to speed up, a futile effort to follow the sound as it fades to a whisper becoming nothing but a huff of breath that caresses his face.
"Stop it's gone!" Matt exclaims loudly. The bubble begins to slow down, as it gently comes to a stop, Matt's eyes are left wide as his tight grip moves from the rim to his chest. He could feel his heartbeat in his chest, Samuel leans forward as he continues to listen for the screech.
Matt's legs wobble as he attempts to get up, falling on his knees a few times before he can walk, he turns to Samuel, swinging his hand into the muscular boy's chest. "What the hell!" Matt screams, " Why.. the fuck?" he proclaims, "Get me back in one piece please," Samuel left startled at the boy's action. He smiles and giggles a little before saying " I'm sorry" he snickers at Matt's disapproving pout.
The still water begins to flow and carries the half bubbe along, Matt continues to bang on Samul's chest as the two of them glide away. A loud cackle breaks their playful scuffle, their attention brought to the side, where the come cells still stand. Bones scattered and overlapped each other, a shadowy figure emerges from thin air as he walks towards the cells, the bones came to life, became people.
Their sorrowful cries were familiar to their ear, Knights whose armor bore their council's insignia threw more people into the cells, slicing open the necks of those that didn't co-operate. The two boys are left baffled, Samuel using his magic tries to freeze the guards, but to avail, his magic fails, their voices mute, their bodies became numb, unable to move. They were left watching every gruesome detail.
The sound of slicing echos through the halls, the shadowy man emerges into flesh, a royal red robe drapes his back as more like him emerges, they point and the guards executed, speaks in a language alien to them. "πρέπει να πεθάνουν όλοι" the people in robes scream in unison.
The guards leave the halls as the people were left screaming in agony, while those in the robe chant" αφήστε τη φλόγα να καταβροχθίσει τη ζωή τους". Upon saying that the walls are to burn, fire spreads like the air, the people in robes turn away from the mournful cries, Matt whispers "the cries from before, were those of these people". The porcelain masks conceal the identity of the robes' bearers. But Samuel recognizes the red tint in the tallest eyes.
The fire dances in their eyes as they were swept away by the water.