“I’ll just share with Danielle and Jenna.” Elaine stood up from where she sat. She was about to walk towards their tent when Tan stopped her and held her hand-which he immediately let go.
“Just look how small their tent is. Their bags alone would take up all the space in the tent,” he said, pointing to Danielle’s tent which is a few meters away from where they were.
He’s right. Danielle brought a lot. She hired three porters to carry their baggage up the mountain. These apart from what Jenna, brought along with her.
Many different things occupied Elaine’s thoughts these past few days. Bringing a tent slipped her mind altogether and she just packed a few hours before the trip. What would she do now? Sleep outside than try to fit herself with Danielle and Jenna?
Elaine shivered from the cold that suddenly overcame her as the wind blew. She hugged herself.
Tan sighed. He took something from his bag and threw it at her. Blanket,
“Wait here. I’ll pitch the tent.”