WebNovelWhat I Am52.94%

9: I still need help

"thing's sure got heated earlier," Samantha said.

"If you think that's heated, you haven't seen my neighbors yet,"

"I'm sure they'll be fine,"

I laugh.

"Yeah, I guess,"

"Who are those three anyway?" I asked.

"I wouldn't even bother those pea brains,"

"Yeah, I just wanted the names of those girls,"

"Okay, Siren is the girl with the loud voice,"

"They all have loud voices,"

Samantha laughs

"Oh right!"

"So, it's Siren, Banshee, and Mandragora,"

"Weird, I understand Siren, seems like a pretty normal name,"

"But what's with the other two,"

"Well, they all have loud voices, Siren having the loudest normal voice and the other two,"

"They scream?"

"Yes, and a bit too loud,"

"I could tell,"

"Good thing I didn't get them rattled,"

"I think you did,"

"Oh, did I?" I asked.

"Them and me both," I added.

As we got back to our class there was still time to before the next subject,

The three loudmouths arrive and boy,

My ears hurt.

"Pauline!" Siren called.

"What is it?" I uninterestingly responded.

"Are you challenging us?"

"The fuck are you even talking about?"

"Embarrassing us in front of a crowd? Not a good thing to do," Banshee said.

"Oh, like that wasn't what you were trying to do to me earlier,"

"It was your fault that we got laughed at!" Mandragora said.

"Oh, I never blamed anyone for dealing with bullshit from all of you, did I?"

"Did that make sense?" I asked Samantha.

She tilts her head in confusion.

"What I'm saying is, I never blamed anyone for the state that I am in every day,"

"You three brought the embarrassment to yourselves,"

The loudmouths were silenced.

They start to go back to their seats as Mr. Kulog arrives,

"Okay," he said as he shuts the door close.

"No late students,"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that our class is on sports,"


"Or physical education rather, your gym teacher,"

"We don't have any activities yet so for now, we'll discuss our topic, which is Dancing,"

"Dancing? For the first quarter?" I said.

"I know! What the hell!" Samantha replied.

If that doesn't make it clear, we're not into dancing.

"At least the loud girls are happy about it,"

"Good for them I guess,"

"I still feel uneasy about our teacher tho," I said.

"He keeps staring at me," I added.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you alone near that creep," Samantha said.

"Thank you," I said as I smiled at her.


Mr. Kulog's class is finally done.

The whole time he kept eyeing me I... it just wasn't right.

"Samantha!" I exclaimed as the teacher left.

I ran to her and hugged her tight.

"I'm scared,"

She then caressed my head and hugged me back.

"I'm here Pauline don't worry,"

It's just weird how I'm so close to her for so much already.

We just met officially yesterday.

I start to tear up a little before letting her go.

She looks at me and smiles,

"It's gonna be fine you little crybaby," she said and laughs.

"Thank you so much!!!" I said wiping my tears.

I wish this were to happen to me IRL.


The door opens and Ms. Miranda arrives.

"Okay good morning class, today, we're gonna have a little game!"

The class cheers.

"What kind of game is it Ma'am?" That one guy sitting in front asked.

"Well, we're gonna have a... Hm, I don't know what it's called," Ms. Miranda said and laughs.

The whole class laughs with her.

"This is just some kind of way for you guys to feel a bit better, basically we're gonna guess something from somewhere,"

The class ended up confused.

"This is an example,"

shows an image.

"Where is this from?"

"Do you get it now?"

The whole class agrees and we start to play.

And they had a blast.

It was just a few images.

And shit.

That I won't show here.

"Wasn't that fun? Now then time for our first lesson, Conjunctions,"


Classes ended and it's freaking lunchtime.


"Samantha, let's go eat!"

"Okay baby Pauline," she said.

"H-hey stop that!" I said.

"You like being babied around anyway so it suits you perfectly!" Samantha said and laughs.

"Well, this never happened to me before, so expect more of that," I said, not looking at her directly.

"I know, And I'm glad that I am here helping you!"