
Hi I'm Yoo Jeongyeon I have two older sister and I'm the youngest.

And yes were all girls..

But my mother's thinks 3 girls is OK but my father wants a boy to carry his name.

But too bad I'm the youngest and I'm a girl.

I'm Attending school in JYP international school, it's a all girls school by the way but this year they planning it to change into a coed school.

Since my house is too far the school have dorms.

First day of school....

Oh yeah this is it...

I'm happily Walking in the school campus dragging my luggage but I noticed the girls looking at me differently.

And I herd them talking at my back

OMG why there is a cute boy in our school are they changing our school in to coed school. The girls whispering

Oh I forgot to tell I love boyish looks but i love girly looks sometimes and my hair is too short for a girl and I'm tall too so that's why I don't blame then for mistaking me as a guy.

I go first in the school office to get my school uniform but the women in the counter give to me the uniform for guys.

Is this really my uniform.. It's for male student. While I spread the uniform and look unto it.

Excuse me ma'am is this a uniform for girls because I am girl and you giving me a wrong uniform.

Oh I am sorry I though you were a boy this is your uniforms.

Thank you.. Hsss gain she mistaken me again.

And I'm about to go to my room at the dorm.

My dorm is in the building A room 010.

And I noticed that the door is already open and I already thought that I have roommate and I just opened it

The girl shock when she sees me coming in she's throwing her plushy stuff toy To me..

Oh my god !!! how did you get in here you pervert!!!! The girl said.

Ya!!! Hey stop that I'm not a pervert!!!

You dumb. I'm a girl!!!

Wait what?! The girl said in confused tone.

I'm a girl look I have boobs did a guy have boob's to you.

Oh.. Well I am sorry I just got here like you and look I am changing that's why I'm so shock when you enter the room looking like that. The girl said pointing at my clothes.

Are you dumb.

you already changing and yet you didn't even lock the door while you change how dumb you are.

Ya!!! Don't say that to me.. The girl said while changing clothes .

Shut up just dress up already our classes start soon.

By the way I'm Yoo Jeongyeon..

I am Hirai Momo the girl said.

Momo pov.

She's so annoying First she opened the door without knocking luckily I'm almost done changing .

Second she's so demanding commanding me at our First meeting like she's my boss.

And she saw Jeongyeon changing her clothes in her uniform too.

I can see in her face that she didn't want wearing skirts hhaha.

So Ms. Momo whers the school buildings. Jeongyeon ask me.

Just I said I just got here like you I don't know.

And someone calling momo's name making her head turns were the voice came from.

Momo Hirai and Jeongyeon Yoo .. The girl said pointing at them.

How did you know its us. Jeongyeon ask.

Hello welcome to our school I'm Park jihyo I'm am the school president.

So let me guide your classes before its too late. Jihyo said.

And we just fallow her

And the class starts and months past and I found out that Yoo Jeongyeon is not really so annoying ass. She's a no jam joker, Clean freak, and a caring person a protective one we became Friends already on a small time were together.

She really loves hugs but not the kisses.

As I remember I am her first kiss I kiss her in her birthday but it's a friendly kiss.

And she often say that she like my body. I don't know why.

Jeongyeon pov.

In our room..

Ya !!! Momoring.!!! I shout.

Momo is annoying but cute sleepyhead. Girl shes totally may reversed.

She always living her stuffed toys all around our room and in my bed too. and it's not just stuffed toy it's big stuffed toy that's why it's so crowded in here.

Yah let me sleep its Saturday... Momo said in a sleepy voice.

Momoya I'm going out I'm meeting whit my father..

Ammmm... Momo said.

Clean our room ok...

As I walk a outside the dorm I am happy because I'm meeting whit my dad after a month not seeing him

Then I arrived in the cafe were my father is.

Jeongyeon sweetie my father said.

Appa I miss you ..

Jeongyeon sweetie I have something for you it's a vitamins.

Oh... Thank you Appa

After a little bit bonding with my father I return to dorm..

I'm back !!!

Were is momo why the room is too dark.

Momoya!! Are you in the bathroom why didn't you turn on the light

Yes I'm here .. I'm sorry I forgot..

I have some jeokbal here ...

And momo quickly open the bathroom door and she's only wearing her bathrobe..

Hey get dress first..are you that so hungy...

Nope my first love first. Momo said while eating like there's no tomorrow.

And after we eat I drink the vitamins that app give it to me I drink it all

And it has a note written in.

To my Jeongnie.

I whishing you to be my son and have a good health sweetie drink this home made vitamin.

Your loving father.

Ew what happened to my father all the sweetness. And he call me son.

My father is so frustrated to have son to continued his name Yoo. Since we all girls of his name will be cut off .

But I am sorry appa I become a daughter. I wish I've become your son to make you happy appa.

And suddenly I felt dizzy And then my eye lid became heavy and I fall asleep.

Momo pov.

She's still eating...

Joengnie..oi . Hey she sleep already.

And latter momo clean and wash the dishes. And after that she go to the dream land like Jeongyeon..

Jeongyeon pov.

It's morning..

Jeongyeon woke up first and she feels sudden change in her body

Like she's taller than before. Jeongyeon walk in the bathroom to wash her face but she notice someting in her face.

What the fuck !! what is this? I have beard Did Momo prank me? Why I have this is she taking revenge on me now.

Then she try full it off.

Aww it hurts. WTF it's real what's happening to me!!! Jeongyeon almost shout.

Jeongyeon panic thinking what's happened to her last night.

Momo wake up!!

Momo wake up!!


Uughh ummm Jeongynie it's too early... Momo said in a sleepy tone

What did you do to me!!

Then momo sit up and look at me.

Are you in your pranks again jeongynie.. You pranking me again .

No ..momo look at me I don't have my boob's Jeongyeon said. Were it is.

And to proved it Jeongyeon lift her sweatshirt in front of momo.

And Momo jaw drop on what she saw early in the morning.

What The F happens to you Jeongyeon..

You've turn into a man!!!

Momo squeal.

What do I do now Momo how do I get out like this and I have some thing in my pants that I don't want to look at

What!!! Don't tell me you have a guy thing too. Momo said in shock face.

Guys is not aloud in our school. And your a guy now Jeongyeon.momo said.

But but momo help me were best friend right.

Go get ready First Jeongyeon removed your mustache. And take a bath. Momo said.

Ammm ok .....

Jeongyeon pov.

Going inside the bathroom..

What the hell happens to me I have hair on my face.

And she take off his sweatshirt oh my gosh and look in the mirror why am I too masculine how can I hide it.

And my beautiful legs is full of hair now I am too hairy.

I don't know what happens but I have to do this.

And this it is .... Then Jeongyeon take off his pants with his underwear

Oooh my god momo!!! You're not mistaken I have a actual dick sticking on my body. Jeong said almost shouting.

Oh my this is what it's looks like momo look I have a dick. Jeongyeon said in excitement coming out of the bathroom.

What.... What did you say Jeongynie and momo turn her head and she saw Jeongyeon naked body.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! momo squeal covering her eyes but there's a gap between her fingers.

Ya!!!!! Go back inside you look like a pervert exhibitionist.

Then Jeongyeon go back to the bathroom and continue washing her self.

And after Jeongyeon momo take a bath too and get ready

Momo pov.

What happened to Jeongyeon why she turns in to a guy.

She so hansom even she a girl but now she's a real guy now she bacame more hansom.

And then she heard Jeongyeon talking but its not clear to her what Jeongyeon's talking about.

Then she came out of the bathroom and she saw Jeongyeon still wearing his towel like he has boobs covering his chest part.

Momo I have a problem. Jeongyeon said in a low voice

What's the problem Jeongyeon. Momo ask .

I can't wear my undies it's too fit to my you know it's peaking out and my shirt is too small for me and my pants. Jeongyeon said while holding Her undies.

Just wear your jogging pants and sweatshirt. We need to buy you new undies and dress . Momo said.

I'm comfortable not wearing my underwear I am not use to it but I don't have a choice although it's not comfortable for not wearing one. Jeongyeon said in a low tone.

And the two sneak out of their dorm to buy some stuff that Jeongyeon needed.

Since the is not sound proofs

Sana pov.

Did I heared a guys voice in momo's room.... And she screaming what the fuck their doing.

Is she bringing a guy in our dorm shes too bold to do that.

I am going too find out.

Sana said in the other side of the room.