
After the massive cleaning on the boys dorm Jeongyeon take a hot bath to Relax his tired body.

Oh yeah so clean so good.. Jeongyeon said in his mind while touching the smooth side of the bathtub.

And his two dorm mates is sleeping...

Cheng wake up tzuyu said.

Why tzu tzu .. Chang said in asleepy tone.

I am hungry.. Tzuyu said.

Cook your self... Cheang said.

I can't cook I might burn this dorm if I did. Tzuyu said

Then he give up to wake up cheayoung.

Tzuyu pov.

Then go outside for a walk in the achool sports field.

Then while his walking he saw someone running on the school field and he did recognize who that person is, it's Sana .

He stop and just watch Sana running on the school field,

Why is she running in this late night,

I am still hungry.

Sana pov.

While running....

Why that Momo said to me that I am chubby squirrel And why she's not gaining weight even after eating big amount of food, Aishh she eat like a pig.

Then she notice something, and she did feel someone is watching her,

Then she look around.. And notice someone on the bench aria.

Ya!!! Why you watching me!! .. Sana call out.

Oh she already see me... Tzuyu said.

I am just walking here and I just saw you running around like a cute Shiba inu. Tzuyu said.

Yah!!! I am not a dog!! Sana said, Then she run directly to Tzuyu and kick his leg.

Tzuyu fall on that kick because his so hungry and holding his leg.

A aw why you kick me I just said cute shiba inu.

I'm not a dog just call me cute....Sana reply then she blush

Eh.. O OK Tzuyu said while his on the ground.

Suddenly his stomach rumbling because of hunger.

Is that you.. Sana said.

Y yes I am here because I am hungry I don't know how to cook, I am scared I might burn our dorm if I did cooking. Tzuyu said.

Oh OK because you put some band aid on my wound I will cook for you. Sana said in a confident tone.

Really Tzuyu said, his shock on Sana's reply, excited but shy reaction,

So bring me to your dorm, Sana said

Oh OK I forgot come with me, Tzuyu said.

After a Minuit ..

We have some of the ingredients.. But I don't know what we can make. Tzuyu said.

Just leave it to me.. Sana said. Then she smirk a Tzuyu.

Then Tzuyu found it cute.. And she really look like a Shiba inu..

Then Sana roll up her sleeve getting ready for cooking

And Tzuyu just watch her cooking. And even helping her by cutting some vegetables and other things.

Am ahem.. Tzuyu clear his throat to get Sana's attention.

Am.. what dish is you're cooking ? Tzuyu said.

Tonkatsu with rice and vegetables, I know you really hungry just wait I am almost done, Sana said,

Then Tzuyu wait like a little kid for Sana's cooking,

In the other room.. The smells of the food lingering in the second Floor, then Cheayoung wakes up and Jeongyeon smell it too then he rush to the first Floor, to look who's cooking

Finished!!!! Yey!!! then she put the dish in front of Tzuyu.

Then Tzuyu excitedly dig in, then Sana just watch him eating,

How's my cooking ? Sana said

Very good I should hire you to cook for me, Tzuyu said.

Why ?? Sana confusedly reply

yaaa!!! what you two doing in this late night Jeongyeon said, followed by Cheayoung

Then they see the food that Sana made for Tzuyu, in no hesitation the two quickly get there plate and eat

Are you two dating cheng said, while mumbling some food.

No! Sana and Tzuyu said while the two is blushing.

And why all you guys are so hungry?? Sana said

Were being tortured by him cheng reply while pointing his finger to Jeongyeon.

Why me I just want this hunted house to be clean it's for your own good too. Jeongyeon siad while eating none stop.

Hey you two stop eating that's all mine.. Tzuyu said

Haiishh I remembered Momo the whey they eat, Sana said in her mind.

Am guy's I'm going back now it's getting late, Sana said while preparing her self to leave

Oh thank you for the food Sana Jeongyeon said.

Then Tzuyu quickly stand and go with Sana.

Oh you following me. Sana said,

No I just want to accompany you going back to the girls dorm.

OK.. It's that what you want, Sana said

While there walking.

Thank you for letting me accompany you, am about the hiring thing forget it. Tzuyu shyly said.

Don't worry I made some pack lunch you can share with me because I can't finished it all if you like. Sana said,

Really ... Tzuyu said

Yeah, Sana said.

So were here...

Thank you for the food... Tzuyu said

It's OK Tzuyu, Sana said then go inside the girls dorm.

And she can't take her smile away.

Same whit Tzuyu.