Chapter 1: I Do Secretly Believe Differently

Delta is not a believer. But she attends a Bible study with friends.


She drew in her journal. A poem? A song? Delta didn't know what it would be. Probably a poem. She thought to herself. Sitting at the table was her and her best friend Friday. Friday sat across from her and asked Delta the question that was consuming her. "What are you writing?"

She didn't look up at her. She focused on her work. "Probably a free verse poem."

"Can I see it?" Friday asked.

"Fine but it's not finished." She handed over her black journal with a white cross on the front to Friday. She had only a few lines down.

Not Everyone Believes the Same

By Delta

Everyone is different, not everyone believes the same

But that doesn't mean we have to be enemies

"That's really good," Friday said after she finished reading it. "What will it be about?"

"Probably about friendship or something." Friday handed her her journal.

"I'm guessing that the Millers will be late again?" Delta asked as she looked up from her journal towards the kitchen counters where warm food was being kept heated. They were going to eat and drink water. Have their Bible study. Then either talk or play a game.

"Amy Miller. She always drives crazy fast but they always get here thirty minutes late," Friday replied. She took a sip of her glass of water. Freya then entered the room. Friday's older sister. She had gone to the bathroom earlier and now was the one to speak. "Yep, they will be late again. Also, our father will be here with the pizza at 6:30."

Delta saw her friend take a drink of water and decided that was a good idea. The water tasted like. . .Water. Good water. "Will Amy's sister be here?

"Ava will be here also, she texted in the Discord."

"Ah, I didn't see the text." Delta grimaced at this. She spent most of her time on Facebook. Every now and then checked Discord. You live a double life. That thought or voice echoed through her head but she kept her cool and didn't show anything on the surface. Because a princess doesn't cry. We don't believe in it. I don't believe in it. Her darkness or dark thoughts plagued her. You're weak in your-

She was awakened from her thoughts from a knock at the door. Freya got up. Fast walking over to it. She checked the peephole just in case. A smile slowly appeared on her face seeing who was outside. She stepped back, opening the door. "Welcome and baguette!" Both Millers answered back shouting baguette! It was a running joke between them. When saying hello or just inserting the word into a conversation. Laughing from the three of them. Mr. Harrison had also arrived with the pizza. He entered the room. More hellos and greetings happened.

Delta looked up at them. Ava in all black. Amy is pretty much wearing random colors. Even a rainbow polka dot jacket. "Hello!" She exclaimed, happy to see her friends! I love them. they are precious to me. Even though we do or I do secretly believe differently. . .

"Prayer?" Delta asked. Though she mainly wanted to eat. She was starving from not having breakfast and lunch at a reasonable smart time.

"I'll pray," Friday announced. Mr. Harrison grabbed some barbecue chicken pizza and quickly left the room. Not wishing to interrupt their time and study together. "Dear Jesus, thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for letting us gather together. Please-"

Delta looked up at her friends seeing them with all their eyes closed and heads bowed. She slowly bowed her head to join them. I'm only doing this to show respect to whatever higher power is out there. Friday continued with the prayer. "Please bless the food to our bodies. In Jesus' name, amen."

Everyone but her said amen. Then they talked. They chatted. Delta got up from the table getting out of the corner. Ava and Amy moved their chairs in as she got up to get out to get food. Grabbing a paper plate. Grabbing two slices of pizza. She went to her seat and bit into the deliciousness. And was satisfied. Maybe one day I'll return to their religion. They are my friends. They are like family to me. I am glad to know them. I am happy they're in my life. Even though we believe differently. Not all of them do know of my unbelief. But in time I'll tell them.

The next thing she said. She told herself on the inside. "It's hard to leave this religion. I thought it was a weakness. Part of me still does. But my friends and family that are a part of it makes me think otherwise sometimes. Sometimes I am kind of mean towards them and others of the religion." Anger and hatred still a lot of it in me. Deep down.