"I had an empire. Friends. Most of them Christians. But I had friends. Now, I am alone with only a few but. . .I can only trust myself." Nyx nodded agreeing with her own logic.
"But if you could turn back time would you?" Dawn asked.
"I. . .I don't know. Wait, yes and no, it depends. I take all back. I would. . .AHHHH!" Her heart hurt. Her head hurt. "NO!" Thinking about it hurt. "That's a lie. If I was still tangled up. Tangled in strings. Then, yes I would turn back time to be a Christian again. But after escaping and being away this long. I am free! I am not bound by their pathetic rules. If I could turn back time would I? No, never. I won't hesitate. I would reject that offer.
Dawn replied, "But is that a lie?"
"Maybe. . .But. . .ugh. . .Why does their god hate who we are so much?!"
"God is love." Dawn replied.