Chapter 24: The End Of This Conner

If two Nyx meet only one leaves alive.


"Hateful? You want to be like me?" She couldn't believe it. That actually author her like creator was insane like her. Mad.

"Yes, I do!" Conner exclaimed. "Teach me to be what we truly are."

"You created me? Wrote each word allowed me to come here and meet you? I am. . . If you were able to write me the way you did. You already know how to be evil and hateful. I maybe a monster. . .But you're worse than me."'

"Yes, we are both horrible. The Christian God has beaten me down and has beaten you down."

"No," Red saw. Memories. "AH!" Pain. She killed them all she. . .killed her friends. . .family dead! Billions and billions of people slaughtered. People! "You made me into something you wish to be. You are horrible."

"No, you do not deny me!" Conner shouted.