I've had enough of this engagement thing so I snapped. Was it not enough for them that I've agreed to be involved in this mess against my will?
I was lost in my thoughts when Grey spoke
"can we stop at the nearest diner o a drive thru? Im starving." I averted my gaze to him raising an eyebrow
"what? I haven't had breakfast yet cause you almost dragged me out of my room then before I can grab my lunch you stormed out of the hotel." he explained
"I didn't ask you to follow me, SIR."
"do you really expect me to stay there and allow them to manipulate my life any further? I don't like this arrangement - engagement thing as much as you do and just like I was just threatened that I'll they take my life away from me completely - the military. So we can continue fighting each other or we fight together?" I didn't know he felt exactly the same way as I do
"well, we do stand a chance if we fight together. So yeah let's fight and we just need to devise a plan but for now let's eat first im famished."
"finally." Was all he could say and I can tell he's really hungry
We need a plan. We started with our schedule.
"so you're expected to be back in your camp 2days from now?" Grey asked. I don't know if he's aware that women are either staring, gawking nor ogling at him. Well you cant blame them despite the fact that he's just wearing a black tee and a cargo pants with sneakers he still looks edible - what? I just know how to appreciate things that's all
"yeah, if they just follow the protocol I wont be here. Me and my team is set to ship out in 4days for a retrieval mission. Dad being one of the major contributors in the military just pulled strings so my RnR was granted which I filed about 2 or 3 months ago."
"in that case, we're on the same boat. I always volunteer for tours - in the field - but is always pulled out from it to stay in boot camps." Oh well he really knows what im talking about at least I know im not the only one experiencing this dilemma.
After we ate im exhausted so we just head home. I didn't join them for dinner aside from the fact that im in no mood for another argument, im not hungry anyway.
I was awaken by my vibrating phone on my side table. Reaching for it with my eyes closed I said
"make sure whatever you're about to say is important or else I'll hunt and castrate you then shove it up your ass."
"that's the sexiest threat I've ever heard my entire life , so far, but yeah this is important. Striker get your ass in here cause we're shipping out in 2 hours. You'll be briefed once you arrived." Upon hearing my call sign I jolted up and was already on hyper vigilante mode.
"we were informed a few minutes earlier than you. So quit whining and get your ass over here."
"yeah see you in 30."
Good thing I was able to pack my things - actually I didn't unpack - and in less than 3minutes I was on the road. What changed? This is the reason no one is allowed to go on RnR when you have an upcoming mission grrrr. Thank God there's no traffic but then I check the time in my dashboard - 2:30 - aha two fucking thirthy in the morning.
In less than 30minutes, im with my team, they're all ready to fly.
"I thought you cant teleport?" Midnight greeted me but im not in the mood I just raised my brows
"Alpha Team in the conference room in 5." General Quintana's voice was blaring from the speakers at this ungodly hour but when you're an MIU (military in uniform) regardless of what time it is when duty calls you respond with no questions asked.
We arrived in less than 5 but our commanding officer beats us to it - maybe he's in here all along.
"as you all can see, plans have changed. Exactly 45minutes ago we received a footage where the ASG were decapitating one of ours. You ship out exactly 0400 hours. Do what you do best and bring our own back." And with that he dismissed us. Giving us time to write our will - yeah you write one each time you go to a mission, well before. Decapitating one of us just adds fuel to the fire. Our government is on all out war against these leftists and so far this small group of ASG, well what's remained from them, is the last group we're tracking to eliminate. If they think that'll scare us they're mistaken. Eye for an Eye dumbass.
I gathered my team - go through our routine every time we ship out.
Check our weapons and other necessities; Say a prayer asking guidance from above and to protect us. Remind them to stick to the plan and do what we do best - Team Work!
This isn't the first time I'll be on a mission but every time I go on one Im wreck nervous - but never showed it - for we might not get back alive but mostly I fear to lose a comrade, a friend and a brother. Im responsible for the safety of my team and I'd take a bullet for them in a heartbeat and would do it again.
We board the plane and was dropped at a safe distance from where our target is. After stealthily walking towards our target for an hour, we decided to set up a perimeter since we're at a safe distance.
I started barking orders via the earpiece in a hushed tone "Kenshin and Shadow plant our eyes and ears, Sparrow and Midnight set up the fireworks, Cloud fire up your toys, Spark Plug cover Kenshin and Shadow and ill cover Sparrow and Midnight. Now divide and conquer."
"copy" they all said in unison.
Kenshin and Shadow are my marksmen while Sparrow and Midnight handles everything where explosives are involved, Spark Plug is in-charge in transportation hence the call sign while Cloud makes wonders with electronics and in-charge in communication (HQ) and I am their overwatch - sniper - though Midnight can do this but he's just 2nd in our class next to me.
In 30 minutes the boys were back - yeah we're that efficient that's we're best of the best.
Cloud was able to established connection. "HQ are you getting this?" I asked through the mic attached to each and every one of us.
"Yes. Alpha Team now start bringing our boys back." Our commanding officer ordered.
A few minutes later Spark Plug noticed the patterns in the routines of their patrol men - I swear the man can see patterns in everything.
"Cloud, we're going in you know what to do." I ordered Cloud "Copy" he curtly replied.
Cloud is our eyes and ears, he alerts us if someone's coming our way and which way. As we held our 2nd position, I took their watchman from the tower then their sniper from the roof - his scope gave him away - then we went guards after guards from the outside going inside. We did it quietly but went for the kill, bullets in their heads - point blank. The element of surprise has always been a crucial factor in this kinds of mission cause you'll have the upper hand.
As we reach the only room in the warehouse, Spark Plug pushed the thread like camera under the door for Cloud to see what's waiting for us inside the room.
"2 guards beside the door, 4 on the table playing cards, another 2 on the other side of the room all are heavily armed. The journalists are tied to the chair one is conscious and the other isn't. Our men are suspended upside down." Cloud informed us
"anyone coming?" Midnight asked
"negative" cloud answered.
Since there's a window I ordered Midnight to go to the other side of the warehouse - to be our overwatch - I asked Cloud to guide and cover him. Sparrow placed the blasting caps by the door.
We'll attack at the same time, after pressing the detonator Kenshin, Shadow and I will advance at the same time Midnight will start eliminating all that he can while Spark Plug and Sparrow will man the outside for their possible backups.
"Target has been eliminated and hostages are safe. Cloud send in the the birds." I reported and ordered Cloud. We cautiously brought the hostages and our men in the safe clearing where the birds can land and get them on board.