After 3 hours my team, the hostages and Delta team arrived at the airbase. As we land, medics await us – well for my wounded comrades and the hostages – as well as our officers.

We were debriefed then were given new orders. My team was assigned to oversee the Balikatan Exercise and will be handling up trainings – well their training. I was like a mother who's damn proud of her sons, that's how I really felt upon hearing the order – that's good news for me. I look forward to facilitating the training for our fellow soldiers and form a new Alpha Team.

I was busy thinking about our game plan with this new task at hand when I was pulled from my reverie by my commanding officer.



"your application for the overseas training has been approved you ship out in 2 days." General Quintana said

"Sir?" I was confused I thought we'll be...

"after a year when that training is over you get to be with your team again." General Quintana clarified "any questions?"

"Sir, no sir."

"go pack your things and rest." He paused "and Colonel Contreras, thank you for bringing our boys back."

"it's a team effort sir." I replied then smiled

"you're dismissed."

To say that we're excited is an understatement but at the same time we'll definitely miss field work but we know that our families will be very happy with this new assignment cause it's no longer that dangerous.

As I left for the US my team sent me off. This is it. I'll just tell mom and dad once I land.

Morning jog – 0400 hours

1st Class – 0700 hours

2nd Class – 0930 hours

BREAK – 1200 Hours

3rd Class – 1300 hours

4th Class – 1530 Hours

EOD – 1700 Hours

That's my Itinerary for the year until further notice. We'll be staying in the base, I've met some of the MIU that will be in the same training too.

1st class went fine considering our instructor was Captain Max McGee then while waiting for the next instructor I was approached by someone from my class and I know he's Filipino due to the uniform he's wearing – Phil. AirForce.

"hi, Squadron Leader Castro and you're? he introduced himself then asked

"hello, Contreras Phil. Army."

"its great to know im not the only Filipino here but you look familiar. Did you attend PMA?"

"likewise and yes I did, class '10."

"do you know Paul Abraham?"

"Midnight, yeah I know him." He was about to say something but our instructor came when he spoke I don't know if my ears were playing tricks on me but he sound like Grey – it cant be so I have to check. Confirmed, Grey is my 2nd Class Instructor ah the odds.

As soon as he entered he immediately did a roll call – what? Someone may have skipped his class? Can I be that person?

1. Squadron Leader George Castro

2. Colonel Jane Contre

He wasn't able to finish my last name when he realized I am in his class instead he roamed his eyes throughout the room while calling my name. I stood to call his attention then gave me let's talk later look before he left the room and talk to someone.

"you know our instructor? How?" Castro asked – nosey one

"yes, he's my fiancé just don't tell anyone. I don't want special treatment." I told him the truth

"I won't. I guess im no longer allowed to join you for lunch or dinner at the mesh?"

"thanks. Why not?"

"I don't want to get punched ahahaha."

"ahahaha funny."

Once Grey got back he resumed the roll call then introduced himself.

"...im Captain Christian Paul Grey and I'll be one of your instructors for a year." Ahahaha 50 shades of Grey i think I would like to be your Anastacia ahahahaha. Who wouldn't? Standing in his all mighty heigh 6'2ft toned muscles, captivating eyes, chiseled jaw not to mention his luscious lips.

He asked me to stay behind cause he would like to have a word with me.

He asked more of ordered me to follow him to his office but as soon we stepped inside his office he snapped

"why didn't you tell me that you'll be in this course and my class?"

"Sir, I have no idea that you're part of this course and most of all one of my instructors sir." i replied respectfully but all I really want is to punch him – the nerve

"oh c'mon Jane." And he's got the nerve to use this tone – wanna play this game? Then lets play fucker

"Sir, permission to speak truthfully and tactlessly sir."

"permission granted." Wrong move

"Sir, first of all the confirmation from your country came an hour after we arrived from the mission and I was ordered to pack my things since I'll be leaving in 2 days. I've submitted my application months before I knew you even exist so why do I feel that you're blaming me for you we're not informed that your "fiancé" is in your class? Was I the one in-charged of cascading the name of attendees to the instructors? NO or maybe there might be a slim chance that our fathers has something to do with this crap, SIR" I was panting after that and he just remained silent for a while

"Touché. Very well then since that's the case moving forward you will eat with me and will be with me during balls and any other military functions."

"excuse me?" seriously?

"I don't think you're deaf so I need not to repeat myself." This twat I was about to answer when his phone rang

he handed me his phone saying "your mom" and I just glared at him then to his phone but took it anyway

the moment I pressed accept she started yelling "Celestine Jane Contreras, how dare you leave te country without telling us?" here we go again

"mom, I didn't tell you cause I know you wont let me go so the plan was to let you know when I retire to bed but you beat me to it."

"I want you to get a house for your protection."

"mom im fine. I don't need to lease outside the camp." Is she fucking kidding me?

"are you for real mom? You want me to lease a house outside the camp so you can deploy bodyguards? You're hopeless mom. Didn't you know that your daughter in in the Army and as of the moment is surrounded by military personnel?"

"For the nth time mom, I AM MORE THAN CAPABLE OF DEFENDING MYSELF AND I AM TRAINED TO KILL.!" Oh I cant take this anymore so I hung up

"would there be anything else you would like to discuss, sir?" i asked as i tried to calm my nerves but failed – keyword TRIED

"no, that would be all I shall see you later for dinner. You're now dismissed." As soon as I heard the word dismissed I salute just like a good soldier then stormed out of the office.

At 1800 hours I was all prepped anyway I just wore my usual outfit, white tee (v-neck) jeans and converse this time I didnt tie my hair since it's a bit cold. I know you're wondering no make up just lip balm, then a soldier told me that Grey once again summoned me.

"done checking me out, Captain Grey?" he's really bold tsk tsk "not yet" he shamelessly replied.

"what's the plan?" I asked as i take the shotgun seat.

"we'll mom called asked me to tell you that on Monday someone will be here to take your measurements for your wedding gown then after a week your parents and Mine will be flying here to be with us or should I say check on us?" he answered

"so any plans?"

"well to start with, I had a word with the superintendent and as expected rules are rules, we can no longer stay in the base so that only leaves us one option and that is to rent a house outside the camp. Since you're soon to be Mrs. Grey, you will be subject for interrogation because even if we're both in the military as what you've said we do not salute the same flag. I know you know all of these protocols and can definitely handle it but I would still like to let you know that I'll be with you every step of the way." Did he just say that? Is he for real?

Still grasping for words and finally after maybe a minute.

"I don't mind sharing a house with but I want my own room and please I don't want to make scene don't let the stylist to go the camp." I pleaded with my best puppy eyes

"as for the house, okay and for the stylist, yeah I'll just tell mom we'll just go the stylist's shop instead, how's that sounds?"

"Great!" i said cheerfully and Grey smiled not smirked smiled.

On Saturday, we'll look for a house after class then probably buy whatever we need depends then

"CJ? Is that you?"

"Paolo?" I would like to confirm

"none other than, darling." I scoffed at the endearment but nonetheless I hugged him

"oh I missed you Pao. How have you been?"

"I am great darling. How's Paul?"

"Oh he's back home, got promoted." I told him oh I miss my team

"aren't you going to introduce me?" Grey suddenly asked – oh shocks I forgot

"Sorry, Ah Paolo this is Chris my fiancé and Chris this is Paolo my friend."

"I really thought you'll end up marrying Paul but yeah I really guess nobody left the friend zone. I'll see you when you get back home then." And where did that come from?

"ahahahaha funny. Paul's the brother I never had so as the rest of my team. Wait, when are you flying back home?"

"tomorrow, Im just here for a vacation. Take care, CJ. Bye." With that he left

"I'm curious –"

"DON'T" I cut him off

"well, your parents are over protective of you how did it happen that they allowed you do missions?"

"simply because they don't know what kind missions were those and what exactly I was doing in those missions. I know they have their suspicions and their mistake was to ask my commanding officer about it even if they're friends and he's my godfather answering their questions truthfully is against protocol – those missions were classified." I replied then asked "you've done tours, right? How many before they started meddling with your career?"

"2 tours and then after that I was constantly pulled out of the field and was forced to be an instructor."


"what do you mean why babe?" I was mesmerized by the view from the outside – the sunset and as the waves caress the shore – but then I heard the endearment again that made my brow arc but then I shrugged it off "why did you enlist? Why attend a military school? Out of all the profession, why the military?"

"you're seriously asking me that when you are also an MIU?"

"well because I know we have different reasons why we choose to be one. I chose this path initially because I simply don't like to socialize – I mean talk with those stuck up rich people and put up with women who's done nothing but shop, put colors in their faces, and who knows what else they do and the need to prove myself that im capable of accomplishing things on my own."

"we almost have the same reason apart from the socializing part. Mine is I don't think I belong in the business world. I find it boring. I won't last the whole day wearing suit and stuck behind a desk that's just not me." Just as I thought

The dinner went along with Q&A. he's 27 just a year older than me, only child just like me, plays almost any sport, has been friends with Capt. Max the beginning of his Military career.

Days had passed smoothly and Saturday came in a swift. Grey and I had lunch outside the base so that we can immediately start looking for a house after we eat. We found 3 houses that's for lease. The 1st one it's a 2 storey 3 bedroom house but it doesn't have a garage – no go, the 2nd it's a bungalow type with 2 bedrooms which cant accommodate anyone apart from us again no go and the 3rd it's a 2 storey 4 bedroom house with a garage and an amazing view of the ocean plus the fact that's in a military village so yeah this is it.

We were informed that the papers will be ready by tomorrow and we can move as early as Monday. I was excited and at the same time nervous, I didn't know what to expect with Grey. Yeah given im starting to get comfortable with him it will still be different to be with him under the same roof. We're both good at following orders however when it comes to our parents we barely follow them, how ironic.

Speaking of 'em, they will be here on Saturday and to stay til Monday so yeah good luck to us. But for now I look forward in moving to a different house but then it hit me like the bomb in Hiroshima, once we moved together we have to deal with everything – household chores.

"penny for your thoughts?" Grey spoke yeah we're out having coffee cause its Sunday and we're about to meet the broker.

"division of labor." I replied but his brows creased

"I mean once we moved in we have to have designated assignments or schedule for cleaning the house, cooking, mowing the lawn, laundry, dishes etc."

Smiling he said "we don't have to babe, what's the use of our parents' money? They want this right? So lets give it to 'em." I like his way of thinking hah

"that's a brilliant idea, Grey." I said as I sip my coffee

"not that I mind, but why Grey when you can call me Chris or Paul?"

"one, its because that's you; second, aren't you used to be called Grey since you entered the military?; third, Paul's the real name of Midnight and lastly, I prefer Grey cause your dad's Chris too."

"Im used being called Grey by my fellow soldier, Grey but not from a fellow soldier who's my fiancé." He said looking me in the eye

I was about to say something else when the broker came and in less than 15minutes its done. We've got the keys and necessary paper works.

Good thing about it is that the 2 out of 4 rooms are facing the ocean so I don't have to fight for it over Grey since he also loves to watch the sunset. At the back of the house is where the maids' quarter is situated. After an hour, we went to shop for appliances and all.

"Grey, we'll split the bill into two." I told Grey

"not gonna happen babe" he replied then showed me a platinum visa then he continued "remember, we'll help them spend their money?"

"I have one like that too but I never used it. Do you have any idea how much can we spend using that card?" I honestly don't have an idea and I don't care if my platinum visa card is buried in my wallet and hasn't seen the light since it was given to me.

"I've used it once and I can tell you, we can buy the top of the class appliances and gadgets without going over the limit." He said in a matter-of-factly tone and I believe him his dad is pretty much loaded, owner of a chain of 5 star hotels, an airline company and who know what else they own.

"what's funny?" he asked after I snorted. I was debating mentally if I should tell him or not but since in a conversation like this I barely think before I speak I told him

"your name is Christian Paul Grey and you're an heir to a multi-billion dollar company – it's like 50 shades of Grey's Christian Grey came to life aahahahaha or maybe the author personally know you and apparently wrote your biography ahahahaha." I cant help but laugh at this but he's eyes were glued to me amusement and admiration is in it. Oh wait? Seriously? Admiration?

"50 shades of Grey huh?" he asked smirking – uh oh I don't like where this is going

"why? Haven't you read or watch it?" I inquired

"had watched it but haven't read it. Who would have thought you had it in you?" he declared still smirking

"what?" I have an idea what but I want to hear it from him

"Kinkiness" then he burst out laughing maybe cause at the mention of the word I felt hot literally meaning I look like a tomato by now and if he's 50 shades of Grey I was going 50 shades of red

"not that kinky" I retorted and thank God hr dropped the subject

We were informed that our purchases will be delivered at the house on or before 1700 hours that left us 2 hours to go to the grocery to get kitchen stuff – by stuff I mean food supply. It will be a shame to have only water and beer inside that huge fridge with touch screen panel outside where you can regulate the temp and even order stuff – who knew that thing exists then I answered my own question as Cloud popped up in my mind. I really miss my team, I'll call them later.

Around 2100 hours we're done fixing the house.

"Chinese or pizza?" Grey asked I didn't know how hungry I was until I heard pizza

"pizza it is!"

We're sprawled in the living room – well Grey's in the couch and I was on the floor, carpeted – when the pizza came after my 1st slice my phone rang then it showed Cloud's baby face – video call

"Striker, how's training?" he said then the rest of my team is coming to view

"good and Im missing you so bad guys." I replied as I pout my kips

"aw the ever tough Striker is finally going softie on us." Kenshin teased that sent the rest of the guys laughing and I just rolled my eyes at him

"Jane, how badly you missed us?" Midnight asked

"so much that I wanna cry whenever I thought of you idiots." I said truthfully

"anyway how are you guys? Has the training started yet? The balikatan exercises where will it be?" I asked

"it'll start on Monday. We called for 2 reasons." Spark Plug always the bold one "we would like to ask for your inputs on the upcoming training that we'll be facilitating and Midnight misses you." Whistling and giggling boys are back

"would love to provide inputs on that as for Midnight just like I said I missed you so much guys all of you individually and collectively speaking of which I saw your twin brother last week but didn't had the time to eat nor catch up."

"whoah who's that with you?" Shadow asked when I look behind me I saw Grey's back on me he must have passed me as he head to the kitchen

"oh that's Grey, my fiancé." I told them

"HUWHAT?" they said in unison

"tell us honestly did you go there to get wed or to train?" and that ladies and gentlemen is Midnight

"My fiancé you dimwits. Remember my RnR before the last mission? we were introduced for the 1st time then was informed that we're about to get wed, I know I know I too had the same reaction as what you're giving me right now."

"how do you feel about this?" Cloud asked

"at first I was enraged but then told me why this has to be done so yeah why not anyway we can have the marriage annulled afterwards so I reluctantly agreed plus the fact that they for the nth time threatened to have me discharged from the Army. I know you're all worried but im fine..."

"I want to meet him." Midnight demanded uh oh the overprotective brother emerged then the rest of the guys agreed

"Grey?" I shouted

"in the kitchen" he replied so I walk towards the kitchen with my phone "my team would like to meet you, is it okay?" I asked hesitantly

"Sure, why not" then I tap the seat next to me for him to take

"ah Grey, these guys are my team and the brothers I never had – Cloud, Midnight, Shadow, Kenshin and Spark Plug. Guys, this is Grey, my fiancé." I introduced them and they acknowledged each other

"so Grey, what do you do" midnight asked and it has begun

"im a Navy Seal." He respond curtly while Midnight just nod

"ranking?" Kenshin asked

"Captain." Grey answered

"so live in the same house now?" that's Shadow

"yes." Grey replied

"same room?" that's Cloud with a smirk

"No, not yet." Grey answered then glanced at me smirking – ah this man

"this is getting awkward. Grey listen, Striker I mean Jane's like my sister so I'll tell you this once, if you hurt her physically or emotionally I WILL KILL YOU." Midnight's threatening Grey and he's damn serious as well as the rest of the boys

"I would never hurt her intentionally man." Grey told them but why does it sounds like a promise?

"hey, why do I feel like you're giving me to him like sort of a puppy?" my attempt to lighten the mood

"you're too cute to be just a puppy, Striker" Kenshin said showing his dimples

"and way to dangerous to be compared to a puppy." Midnight said

"HEY that's not true I can be as harmless as a puppy." I said pouting and they all erupted laughing including Grey

"yeah right a puppy that turns into a vicious beast once poked ahahahahaha." Spark Plug said in between his laughs Grey couldn't stop laughing too I had to elbow him to stop but he just caught it grrr damn reflexes

"TSEH dimwits! I hate you." As I fake being hurt

"oh c'mon princess, you love us." Midnight said then he turned serious a mood swings so as the boys

"Seriously, Grey we're, at least me, not threatening you that's a warning. Even though Jane's the Team Lead she's still our princess and she's still a woman even if she's always IM TOUGH AND CAN HANDLE ANYTHING attitude, she's still fragile. She's allergic to peanuts and morons. Take care of her or we'll take care of you." These words coming from Midnight who's speaking in behalf of my team made my heart swell I never thought I mean this much to them. I never had a sibling and honestly I have a very limited number of friends but these men are not just my comrades they are my family not by blood but by CHOICE. After saying that it's like they're having a staring contest then next event surprised me, Grey placed his arm on my shoulder and slightly pulled me towards him to bridge the gap between us then said

"I know where you're coming from cause we soldiers take care of our own. I may have known Jane for a very short period of time but I can honestly say that I like her for we have so much in common and I know if she'll give me a chance I'll win her heart." I couldn't take my eyes off Grey's face and couldn't believe im hearing these things from him. Butterflies erupted in my stomach that feeling when you open your mouth they might escape.

"Good!" Midnight and Kenshin said in unison while the rest just nod. Then I heard someone asked them to proceed to the conference area so we bid goodbye but I was still shocked with the revelations

I remained glued to my seat on one of the stool in the kitchen when Grey spoke softly

"they really love you, Jane."

"indeed and so do i."

"I envy them." He said that made me turn my head his way but remained silent cause I can't seem to find the words

"they've been with you for years now while I know Midnight is far more attached to you than the others.." I just nod then waited for him to continue "you care so much for them."

I chose to remain silent this time for I don't know exactly what to say. I don't know if he's playing tricks on me but I stared into his eyes - its genuine.

My lack of response brought him to stand and asked me to hit the sack but as he said good night I didn't miss the sight of sadness and hurt in his eyes. I too am sorry for I don't know how to handle this kind of situation I can deal with a life and death situation and insurgents but definitely not this.

I tossed and turn numerous times to no avail, I still cant fall asleep. Grey's words keep playing in my head like a broken record.

That's it at 2am I sneak out of the house and found myself at the seashore. I sat there where the waves touches my feet admiring the goddess moon above me. I started counting the stars as I gently lay on the sand then out of nowhere ugly scars of wars flashed before my eyes its as if im reliving it.

I didn't know I was crying til a tear fell on my earlobe. My watched chimed and I know its time to get ready for the morning jog I let out a suppressed scream when Grey engulfed me in a bone crashing hug as I enter the house. I almost kicked his groin but stopped when I inhaled his cologne a scent im getting used to.