Competition's getting stiffer yet still healthy. After the marksmanship exercises, expectations were even higher. I fear I'll disappoint Grey if I failed to meet their expectations. I don't know, ever since I realized im in love with Grey, I've been pushing myself to the limits; again the need to prove myself and refusing to let down the people I love. I know he didn't tell me or even just a hint that I should be on top but I want to, for him.
Last week during the Marksmanship Exercises, the gods decided to play tricks on me, strong winds plus rain, just great. I was onto the last dummy at 1k yards when my memory decided to join the gods and mess with me with the sudden appearance of my 1st headshot. I had to calm my nerves by stretching my neck and hands as well as took a few deep breaths, I cant and wont let this get to me now!