6 months later

I'm due next week and I look like a panda. Things have been rough but im getting by with the help of my family and friends. I was cleared for duty after 4 months but then had to file my maternity leave for Little Grey isn't doing fine inside my womb. I had spotting which might led to miscarriage and I don't want to bury another loved one anytime soon.

After a tragic moment, your body will recuperate after rest but you will be psychologically traumatized by what had happened. It took me 4 months to finally open up and finally had the courage to face everyone else for I know I cant keep running away plus I need to make amends with everything and everybody before Little Grey comes out.

During my prenatal check-ups if our parents aren't available, my team – Alpha team – would accompany me. They accompany me by pairs while Grey's men never fail to call me every single day to check on us specially Little Grey's condition.