Justice must be served.

The next days of my life was so hard for me. Good thing my fake relationship with Calvin is not public. I was even worried that he might be attacked with the peoples, too.

His family often call and asked if I am just alright. And, my heart always melts because they were so worried about me and I can feel that they really care for me.

Most especially, Calvin's father. He already know that our relationship was just fake but he was still good to me. He did not even spread his knowledge to his wife and daughter.

He could be a good secret keeper.

Same as usual, I was just in the House. Staying here and making my self boring. Although, I was writing a song but I don't think it was good. I wanted to have a job so bad so I could make my self busy and forget about my problems.

But Calvin, His Mom and Valerie wouldn't let me. They said, I should be staying in our house and take care of my husband like a typical house wife would do so I can't do anything.