
The Siren's Call

Life went on as per usual with bills to pay and the occasional fun in-between. Viv went on a few dates, but not with any real fervour. There was a terrible void in her chest, but she couldn’t remember why. Viv still felt an indescribable pull towards the sea, so she snuck away at night as often as she could. But whatever she hoped to find wasn’t there, and it left her with a gnawing feeling of dismay and heartache. She ignored these morbid sensations as best as she could and before she could blink, a whole year slid painfully by.

By some unforeseen coincidence, Wendy and Viv decided to have seafood for lunch. So they went to a restaurant near the boardwalk in Santa Monica. The table they chose was outside on the quay with an excellent view of the sapphire ocean. Both girls paid very little attention to their meals that afternoon, each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Wendy stopped stabbing moodily at her rubbery calamari and looked across at her best friend.
