Chapter 11

"Everything is fine here".Tyriece said looking back at Kai.

"I can see that".Kai mumbled.

He took out his phone and dialed back the number that had called him.One of his men telling him the auction was being robbed.He had gotten out of bed and gathered his men.There were all at the auction.

The phone went straight to voicemail though.

He huff and got back into his car.He and Tyriece drove silently to their house.He wanted nothing but to wake Jacob up with kisses.

When they got there the place was silent but he expected that.The maid wouldn't arrive until eight and Jacob was probably still asleep.He went to their room where he found it empty.He shrug it off and went to knock on the bathroom door but it was wide open when he turn and look at it.



He was a little nervous now because Jacob loved his bed,where could he be?

"Tyriece have you seen Jake?".Kai ask when he saw Tyriece by the computer.



Tyriece stepped back from the computer to let Kai see

"Hey Ryder,how are you well I'm fine if you should know.I'm just telling you that I have your sweet sweet and pregnant Jacob with me".

Kai could have sworn his heart stopped for a good ten seconds when the camera was turn on to Jacob.He was tied to a chair while a tape covered his mouth.He wasn't crying or panicking just glaring at Nick.

Nick went over and kiss Jacob's cheek.Kai grip the end of the desk.

"If you want your slut back come to my house then I'll kill you and Maybe let him live and your unborn thing".

"I'm gonna.fucking .kill .him".Kai growl

He took up his keys and started to the door but stopped when realized he didn't know where Nick lived .

How could he be so stupid and fell for the plan.

"Kai calm down go get some water".Tyriece told him and took up his phone to call his men.

Kai stormed into the kitchen,his footsteps were silent but deadly.

Jacob is kidnapped with our child

He turned and connect his fist with the refrigerator.He left a huge dent in the center but he didnt care.He wanted nothing but to kill Nick and get Jacob back.

"You should eat princess or you'll get sick".

If Jacob could Nick would be full of holes from the death glares he was getting.

"Your looks won't kill me love,eat".

Jacob look down at the plate of food in front of me and sighed.

Only one of his hands were free,the other handcuffed to the chair.

He took up the fork and jammed it into the bacon and brought it to his mouth.

"That's a good boy".Nick smirk but Jacob only roll his eyes.

"So where are you from?".Nick ask resting his hands on the table.

"Why am I here?".Jacob ask

"Come on you're not that dumb".

"Fine I know but can you just take me home and maybe.....kill yourself?".

That made Nick laugh

"I would but how's that fun for me when I can kill Ryder and maybe you".

"You're just bringing trouble on yourself".Jacob roll his eyes.

Meanwhile Kai was sitting in the living room with some of his men while one tried to figure out where the message was sent from and how to track down Nick.

Kai was furious even Tyriece was afraid to say anything to him.Kai told them not to say anything to him unless it's because they found Nick.

"We found Nick".One of the men said from the door.