Chapter 13

Jacob sat with his back against the headboard.Trying to concentrate on the tv.This was a big house and even though Kai was in the torture room with Nick he could still hear the man's screams.They didn't stop,not one second.Jacob didn't know what Kai was doing but it wasn't something nice it wasn't something his stomach could stand right now.

He was just happy to be back.To know that his baby is okay and Nick was almost gone and wouldn't bother them again.They did an amazing job on the nursery.A blue wallpaper with small stars and moons.White carpet and lots of stuff animals.His crib was what Jacob liked the most.

When the screams stood Jacob decided to go back to the nursery and take another look.With help of the maid he made it up the stairs to the nursery.They will be going back up when Jacob have the baby

He stood over the crib imaging his little angel in there sleeping peacefully.He couldn't wait for the child to come.To love him with all his heart.To hold him and kiss him every single day.

Jacob heard the door open wider.He knew it who it was so he didn't bother looking.

"What do you think?".Kai ask snaking his arms around the boy's belly.

"I love it".

He turn in the man's arms and smile up at him.

"I can't wait for him to come".

"Me either he'll be here soon".

Kai kiss the top of his head and rub his back.

"The guys want to see how you're doing".Kai said taking his hand and leading him out the room.

"What about Nick?".jacob ask and Kai shrug.

"He's slowly dying".

They slowly walked down the stairs where the guys were sitting in the living room playing Fifa.They all smile at Jacob who returned but gasped when he saw Tyriece sitting in the single couch.


Jacob cheered, moved as if he was going to run but Kai held him.Walking over to Tyriece with him.

"I'm so glad you're okay,I'm sorry this happen to you".Jacob pout

"Don't be sorry princess I'm a big boy, I can take it".Tyriece smirk.

"How are you Jacob?".

One of the men ask.

"I'm good thank you all for what you did".

"You're welcome if we didn't Boss would have maybe killed us".

All the men laugh but they knew it was true.

Kai roll his eyes and sat in one of the couches.He motioned Jacob over who slowly walked over to his lover and sat on his lap.Kai wrap his arms around the boy.

He felt uncomfortable sitting on Kai now that's he's gain weight.He feels like he would squish the man, he didn't like his body now.His feet were swollen ,his belly was growing more,his face a little more chubby and his thighs thick.

Even though Kai had tell him many times that his body is perfect.

"Why do you look so nervous?".Kai whispered in his ear sending shivers down his spine.

"I'm heavy".

Kai let out a laugh and shook his head.

"Babe you're like a feather why would you think that?".

"Cause I'm fat".

"You're not fat just gain a little weight and that's because you're carrying our child,you're beautiful ".Kai kiss behind his ear.

Two months later

Jacob hummed along to the music.He enjoy long baths it relaxes his mind.He love using galaxy bath bombs and love how the baby kicked when he ran his hand over his belly.

He times himself by checking his fingers to see if they were wrinkled that's when he always get out.He slowly climbed out of the tub making sure to dry his feet to prevent from slipping.He then dried himself off and wrap the robe around himself.

Jacob dried his hair with a towel and threw it on the bed along with his robe.He put on his shirt and boxers then walked over to his shorts drawer.He pulled on his shorts and went for his deodorant and body gel.

He then sat on the bed and turned on the tv.Ten minutes into Warcraft he felt a sharp pain in his belly.He scream and shot up holding his belly.The child was kicking widely.He didn't know what was going on but when the pain died down he got off the bed walking towards the door.Before he could get to it another pain came.

Everything happened so fast.Water running down his feet and on to the floor.

"Oh my god,oh my fucking God KAI!!".

Jacob didn't move from his spot in the room to scared of what will happen.

Kai's footsteps were heard coming down the hallway until he burst through the door.

When he saw Jacob standing in the middle of room,hands on his belly and standing in a puddle of water he gasp.

"Oh my god,oh my fucking god TYRIECE!!".

Footsteps were heard again until Tyriece entered.He gasp when he saw Kai helping Jacob on the bed.

"Oh my god,oh-".

"Call the doctor tell him the baby is coming".Kai demand.

Kai lift Jacob up gentle and hurried with him to the room down the hall.The room they set up for Jacob to have the baby.Jacob was panting heavily while Kai tried to calm him down.He strip the boy and put on the gown you would get in a hospital.Jacob was in pain he could bare it but it was still pain.He gripped Kai's hand every time the pain got worst.

Shouting and footsteps were heard and soon the doctor stumbled into the room.Tyriece walked out and locked the door behind him.He went downstairs where only the maid was.They could here Jacob cries and Tyriece actually felt it for both him and Kai.Jacob was in pain from labour and Kai.......well his hand was in for a wild ride.