- Mom, I really need your advice. There's this guy, not much older than me. He's...
- Daughter, wait, do Daddy and I have anything to worry about?
- Nah, we're good on that front. I wanted to ask you about something else.
- You're a smart girl, but things happen, and teenagers are reckless. Go ahead, daughter, I'm listening.
- Anyway, there's this guy, his name is Cal, and he proposed to me.
- What? You can't get married yet. If you're in love and you think it's him, trust me, it's probably not. You should be thinking about your future, your foundation.
- Well, Mom, hear me out. The thing is, I'm not in love. You won't let me tell you.
- I'm sorry, I'm listening to you. Who is this guy?
- Well, Mom, remember when I came home and I was glowing with happiness?
- So did he send that money?