The inner and outer contradictions in a person are an imperceptible barrier that remains unrecognized by many of us. Allowing ourselves not to become, but to be happy, is the basis on the way to goodness in all areas of life. A person can say he is smart, brave, rich, and so on, but if there is doubt inside him, he will never get what he says he wants. Or feeling the power of one's potential, knowing the right decision, seeing the picture in detail, and not having the courage to express it in words and actions will not lead one to success. If what is outside contradicts what is inside, the result will inevitably be failure. A person who has an incredible desire to achieve something, but at the same time does not have absolute confidence in his abilities, will rarely succeed. And even then, this success is often short-lived.
For example, if you are hungry and there is food on a tray in front of you, do you have any doubt whether you could eat it?