


He closed the door behind us. My heart skipped.

"Is this the part where you declare your uncontrollable love and attraction towards me?" I joked as his tall frame approached me.

He stood in front of me, leaning in a little too close.

"You'd like that wouldn't you," he said in a low voice, his lips brushing my ear lightly.

I shivered, backing away.

He smirked.

"Well it could be," he started, walking behind his desk.

"Sit," he commanded, pointing towards a chair at my side of the table.

"Do you have to be so controlling?" I asked obeying his command.

"That depends," he replied, pulling open a drawer.

"On what?" I asked.

"On how much you're willing to obey me," he said, looking up.

His eyes locked with mine briefly but I looked away.

He lifted a red, slim laptop, placing it on the desk.

He opened it and his eyes were glued to the screen for a few minutes, making me shift awkwardly in my seat.

I opened my mouth to say something but he spoke up saving me the stress.

"Here," he said, turning the screen towards me.

"I made you a playlist."

My brows knitted in confusion and surprise.

"What?" I asked even though we both knew I heard him clearly.

He nodded.

I stared at the screen, noting that he named the playlist playlist one.

I snorted.

"You're so corny," I remarked.

"Shut up," he replied playfully.

"Make me."

The words flew out of my mouth. I cursed my brain to mouth filter inwardly.

His eyes darkened. "I will."

"I didn't know what kind of music you'd prefer so..." He trailed off.

"You got me all of them?" I joked, thankful that he changed the subject.

He leaned back in his chair.

"You'll see," he said.

He reached into a drawer again, this time pulling out a phone.

"They're yours," he said handing me the phone.

I took the phone hesitantly.

"Why does it have three cameras?" I asked.

He let out a small laugh.

I was a weird mix of overwhelmed and embarrassed.

Like when someone keeps spending more money and attention on you than you feel like you deserve.

"You really need to stop spending so much on me," I said switching on the phone.

He didn't respond. He just stared at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

"Stop," I said blushing when he still didn't respond.

"Headphones and speakers are already in your room," he stated.

Of course

"What?" He asked.

"I want to get a job," I said.

"You do?" He asked raising a brow.

"You don't have to—"

"Just hear me out," I said cutting him off.

"First of all I need to start doing things for myself. I mean I'm not stating here forever right?"

"I just don't think you can handle the outside world yet," he said and he was right. I should've agreed and let it go but my brain to mouth filter failed me again.

"Well I'll need a new identity if I'm going to stay here," I blurted out.

"I really don't want to explain myself and my actual past to anyone I might have to meet."

He leaned back in his chair.

"You can kill two birds with one stone," he started.


"How would you like to work for me?"

I frowned

"You realize I don't have any qualifications for that,"


"So I can't work for you."

He smirked.

"I could be one of your maids," I suggested.

He looked at me like that was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard.

"Or you could be my personal assistant," he said.

"Why can't I be a maid?" I asked, almost exasperated.

"Why can't you be my assistant?"

At this point, I was sure he was just trying to be annoying.

"Think about it this way. A random person asks, who are you?

You can just say you're my personal assistant and I doubt that anyone will bother you."

"Fine. But you know I'm not qualified so if you fire me I'll..." I trailed off searching awkwardly for an intimidating threat.

"You'll what?" He rose a brow obviously amused.

"I'll... Burn your company down," I frowned at how awful my attempt was.

I got up, shaking my head.

"Noted," he said, still amused.

I grabbed my laptop and phone.

"Thanks," I mumbled shyly.

He smiled.

"I'll see you on Monday," he called out jokingly.

"Yes sir," I replied, shutting the door.

I walked into my room to find Alice looking around, trying to see if one thing is out of place so she can fix it up.

"Hey," I said.

"Hello," she replied with a smile.

"I helped you hang your new clothes," she said.

"You really didn't have to," I said walking over to the wardrobe by the corner of the room.

"It's my job," she replied enthusiastically.

Alice was just about my age, polite and maybe she was just being courteous but she also seemed shy. And I believed she was a smart girl until I opened the wardrobe to find it empty.

"Umm... Did you say you helped me hang my—"

"Oh not there," she scoffed, walking over to me.

"I mean your closet."

I frowned.

She pushed open a door I hadn't paid much attention to, leading me into a whole new room with everything arranged perfectly.

"W-... Then what's the other one for!?"

She shrugged, then she laughed.

"Its just part of the interior decoration but you can change whatever you want. I'm happy to help."

I gaped at the clothes, shoes and bags that must've already been there.

"Dinner will be ready in five minutes," she stated checking her small girly watch.

"Okay," I said, leaving the closet.

"You know, I'd really appreciate it if you let loose a bit around me," I said.

She stared at me blankly.

"How so?" She asked.

"I mean you're not a robot...right?"

I frowned at the possibility.

"So you don't have to be formal around me. We can just be friends," I added with a small smile.

Her shoulders relaxed visibly and she cleared her throat.

"Okay," was all she said.

"And by the way, I really love the new uniform,"

She smiled.

"You do?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. It's hot,"


I walked down the stairs and she trailed behind me silently, uncomfortable with acting normal around me.

I rolled my eyes at the thought.

I reached the dinning table where Asher and Neil were already seated.

Alice pulled the chair for me earning a glare and a "you really don't have to do that." She blushed and walked away.

Neil smiled at me while Asher tapped away on his phone with a blank expression on face.

We ate silently, everyone seemingly focused on their own thoughts.

"Dinner party's in two days," Asher said, dropping his cutlery.

"Dinner party?" I asked.

"Uhun," he replied absentmindedly.

"I hold them once in a while for business partners and employees and... family. Its a way of keeping on touch. Making all of them feel like I still care or whatever," he said rolling his eyes.

"Charming," Neil remarked sarcastically.

"You've barely touched your food," Asher stated.

"I'm just... I'm not hungry," I said with a shrug.

"Well you have to eat," he said.

"I don't want to," I said, my voice a bit louder than I intended.

"Eat," he commanded.

"No," I replied.


My breath hitched in my throat.

Silence fell and she squirmed at the intensity of my gaze.

She tore her eyes away from mine, taking a sip from the water she'd requested earlier.

Neil watched in silent amusement for a while before killing the awkward silence.

"Danica we need to discuss sessions and medications," he said standing up.

"So if you'll excuse us," he said smirking at me.

My hands balled into fists under the table at the thought of them being alone together.

I remained reluctant on the outside as I flashed him a cold stare that conflicted with the burning sensation in my chest.

They're going to be spending a lot of time together.

I didn't completely trust Neil but he was her only hope at getting better.

So I had to remind myself that I barely knew her and I was in no place to act like she belonged to me.

I watched her blush as Neil helped her up and led her out of the room and all I could do was remind myself to breathe.

He knew exactly what he was doing and I wasn't going to let him get to me.

I shook away the thoughts, leaving the dinning room.

I should probably focus more on finding a better planner for the dinner party.

Hopefully this time it won't be a complete disaster...