


I spent the rest of the afternoon with Neil.

It was so easy to talk to him and soon he had effortlessly pushed me to share everything I remembered from my past.

Well, everything before the hospital.

He tried to dig deeper. He tried to walk through the walls I had built around the vague memories of the years spent in that dreadful place but I wouldn't let him.

He took his time to let me know more about him too. He lived I'm Los Angeles but came to Miami to take care of me all thanks to Asher.

"But between me and you," he said in the middle of the conversation, "I have other business here."

At this point, I didn't care what he meant.

He eventually had to leave for reasons related to other business.

As if on queue, Asher returned.

I was seated idly in the large living room, staring at nothing in particular.

He cleared his throat and I turned around.

"Hi," he said with a small smile.

"Hi," I replied.

He just stood there staring at me for a few seconds.

"Ummm..." he shook his head.

"Would you like a tour around the house?"

I blinked at him. "Sure," I replied hesitantly.

He walked over and held out his hand. He had a habit of that. I took it and followed him.

We walked past a grand piano.

"Do you play?" I asked staring at it.

He turned slightly and nodded. of course.

Still holding hands, we walked down a flight of stairs leading underground.

There were three doors. We walked through the first door to find a wine cellar. He let go of my hand giving me the chance to stalk through the wide space slowly.

He opened the second door, letting me walk in before him. A gym.

I looked around, noticing machines I'd never even seen. As expected, it was well equipped.

My eyes landed on a pole. I froze expecting it to trigger me but it didn't.

Instead, I felt compelled to walk over to it.

I trailed my fingertips up and down before grabbing it and taking a confident swing.

I crossed my legs and let go, merging messy hair fall as I tilted back as far as I could.

I landed gracefully to my surprise and turned to see Asher staring at me, puzzled.


The uncertainty in her eyes disappeared as she held unto the pole, circling into a clean swing.

A lump formed in my throat and I had no idea how to react. I held back from walking over to her.

She did a little dance with small captivating moves that drove me insane.

She seemed dazed. Far from her reality, recreating a moment.

She landed gracefully and turned to meet My puzzled gaze.

"My stripper name was Candy," she said, letting out a small laugh and shaking her head.

I frowned, then my eyes widened in realization.

"For how long?" I asked.

"Before I was taken to the hospital I guess," she shrugged.

"Do you remember how old you were?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"I must've been eighteen. Maybe nineteen.

"That's why you thought I was your new manager?" I asked

She nodded, slightly amused by my amazement.

"Why do you even have this?" She asked as we walked towards the door. I shrugged.

"My father arranged all the renovations," I replied closing the door behind us.

I turned towards the stairs, leaving.

"What's behind the other door?" She asked.

I turned slightly and hesitantly but didn't face her.

"Some doors should be left shut," I replied.

She nodded hesitantly.

"Don't worry about it."

I held out his hand.

"Come here."

She walked over and took my hand and I led her up the stairs.

"Alice," I called out as soon as we were back in the living room.

"Yes sir," she replied rushing in.

"Danica, Alice will be your personal maid."

She stared blankly.

"I-I don't need—"

"She'll help you get ready. You'll need her since you can't face mirrors," I cut her off before she could object.


I raised a brow.

She nodded silently. Then a small smile appeared on her face.

"And one more thing," I started.

"We're leaving the house tomorrow morning."

Her eyes widened slightly.

"With me?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Where?" She asked.

"It's a surprise," I joked.

"Uhh- oh. O-okay. I really don't like surprises," she said nervously.

"Don't worry. You'll love this one."

Alice led her upstairs to her room.

I disappeared into my study and closed the door, beginning to decide on who to call.

I needed to do some digging.

"Sir, why do you need a private investigator?" One of my assistants asked with amusement in her voice.

"It's none of your business, Alex," I snapped. My grip tightened around the phone as I regained my composure.

"Book him. Now."

"Yes sir" she replied.

I hung up, dropping the phone and rubbing my temples.

You have work to do. You have to stop doing this. You've helped her out of the shady hospital, now just help her until she finds stability, a home and a job.

That's the plan right? Stick to it.

"Of course!" I exclaimed to no one in particular.

The hospital. If I'm doing business with them I have to make sure they stop whatever it is that they are doing that is causing all the rumors. I wouldn't want anyone to press charges.

I folded my arms with a sigh.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Neil walked in with that stupid smug look on his face.

He just stood there being smug.

We stared at each other for a few seconds.

I leaned back in my chair with a sigh.

"What do you want?" I asked calmly.

"I just came to check on you!" He replied sitting on the chair at the other side of my table with a grin.

"Well as you can see, I'm still breathing. So you can leave now before I call Trevor and Adam."

"You mean your scrawny bodyguards?" He scoffed.

"Scrawny?" I asked raising a brow.

He smirked and so did I.

"Cut the crap. What do you want. I won't let you stick your nose in my business," I said.

He let out a small laugh.

"I thought we were friends," he joked.

"We both know we're far from that. Who sent you, Neil?" I asked.

"Ooo now we're getting into the dirty business," he said with a smirk.

"Indeed we are," I replied with a smirk.

"You can never out smug me," I stated.

"Of course I can," he replied.

"Well this has been fun but I'd rather be anywhere else than here, comparing guns with a little boy," I said getting up.

My statement grazes his ego but he wasn't letting his walls come crashing down.

"This little boy is a threat, Ash," he said, emphasizing on the nickname.

I scoffed.

"Neil, son, go back and tell your boss, the idiot that has you snooping around in the wrong places, that I'm onto you and you're all wasting your time," I said.

"I'm only a few months younger than you, Dad" He stated.

"And yet, so stupid," I replied.

"Leave my office, Neil."

"Fuck you, Asher," he said getting up, no longer able to conceal his anger.

"Good talk, son," I said returning to my chair.

"You're fucking twenty five, Ash!" He shouted storming out.

"And believe me when I say you should watch your back!" He added, slamming the door shut.