Chapter 9

Relda walked on the balls of her feet and pushed on the door. The two doctors stood behind a transparent wall. One grasped a small, spotted Curian's hand.

"Hunley, go find your mother and father," the older one said.

"Where are they?" Hunley asked.

She pressed her hand against the glass. Two sets of narrowed eyes met her.

"Go back," Dr. Trak ordered.

Relda snapped her fingers at her side and left the doctors behind. Back in her cubicle, she dug her cloak from its place. She took it in her arms, and approached the glass. She tapped on the wall and stomped her foot. Both doctors were startled alert. She dangled the cloak before them.

"What is this?" Trak questioned.

"Got it from Master Stop thirty-seven years ago," she said.

Trak stroked his chin.

"Nurse Rhimer didn't say anything about it," he said, scratching his head. "Looks legitimate enough. I'm Dr. Trak. This is Dr. Doyne."

They tapped on a spot of glass encased mechanics, and an opening formed in the wall. Relda clutched her cloak to her chest and stepped into the opening.

She pointed to her temple.

"The memories," she said. "Why did they come back so suddenly?"

The doctors let out synchronized, breathy whistles.

"Listen," Dr. Doyne said. "Go get the others. We'll--"

His voice vanished into the air as a skinny Curian with a small frame tugged on Dr. Trak's cloak.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," she said, "but there's trouble. We saw it from the mountain. Papa says you all should hide."

Doyne made a stiff smile at Relda and nodded down the corridor.

"We'll go to this tower's comp lab," he told her. "Get your crew."