Chapter 22

Screams pierced the air. Humanoid, biped creatures scattered across the plain in all directions. A transport with the three star emblem descended into the chaos. Dialorians. Lasers created a fire show from the transport's cannon. Mothers carrying young ran until their legs failed under them.

"Egan!" A woman with a toddler in tow called out to a man.

Egan turned around as the lasers overtook the woman and her child. He reached out.

"My Zara! My Kylen!" He cried out.

"Why are they taking our women and young?" Another man asked, cradling his wife's pregnant body in his arms.

"You're the labor force," a Dialorian thundered from above. "And your noble child is a boy."

Meanwhile, a brown Dialorian with pointed ears and scaly skin emerged from a distant structure. When Relda zoomed the cam in, she saw four towers connected by covered walkways. She selected the options and called into the passenger cabin, "We're landing on Kieran."