Chapter 27

Relda lifted her eyelids. Alertness returned, but mobility levels took longer to return. She stared at the ceiling. It was a comforting white - the color of clean linens. She let her eyes trace the room. The walls were also white, and electronic glows from one demanded attention. A viewing screen was one with the wall. Cameras with flaring red eyes glared at her.

"Where am I?" She wondered aloud.

Her strength returned, and she threw the blankets off her body and approached the electronics. She stopped a few feet away. Her gut ached.

"Where are my girls?" She screamed.

Her words echoed and vanished into the air. She squinted into the viewing screen.

Cameras online, a notification read.

Another appeared above it.

Viewing screen 4: Adult Suite 1.

A third notification superseded the others.

Now showing Viewing screen 1: Children's Suite 1.

"Wait, what?" Relda thought aloud.