Chapter 48

A suspicious silence greeted Ozla when she exited the plates. She kept a firm grip on her blaster. Then she heard it. She could have suspected she wasn't alone.

"The booby trap obstacles have been disturbed," a Dialorian with a nasally voice reported.

"Should I fire you?" Came the passive aggressive retort from a female.

"No, please!" Nasally begged. "I have nowhere else to go. My allegiance is to the Dialorians."

“At least make sure she doesn’t get the kids,” the female said, narrowing her eyes at Nasally. “Or the map. Qor spare us if they find the weak points.”

“Where do I put it?” Nasally questioned.

“I don’t care,” the woman said with a sigh.

Then she made the decision, “Put the data chip in the viewing screen.”