Rose hug him for a long time .finally she let him go. ash doesn't say anything to Rose. this time

when she moved. Ash doesn't stop her. both of them are in their own Little World. when the car

enters the mansion. Ash got off the car and help rose.

rose and ash enter the house .suddenly ad came running to them. when she saw ash she

stopped and said

" master. you are home "

"yes "ash reply.

but ad was very worried.

" Why are you looking like that ?" ash asked. before ad could reply they heard the voice

"ash; you are home "

both Ash and rose to look toward the voice and saw Alina was coming toward them. ash

become irritated and asked,

"what are you doing in my home?"

" come on!!!! you just announced to the world that you have a fiance and you didn't tell your

closest one "

"who is that closest one supposed to be?" ash asked back.

" of course your mum and dad and your step sister "when she added stepsister there was a

Venom in her word.

" they also come to know about it so .why should I have to tell them separately? didn't they got to

know it.? by the look of you the face word get faster than I thought?"

Alina clenched her hand and Said

" dad asked you to come home and introduce your little fiance to all of us"

Rose become afraid as she doesn't want to go. ash said that

" I know about it .so if you will excuse us; we have to rest. we have a very long day today."

then ash point towards the door.

Alina was very shocked but couldn't say anything to ash. she said

" fine.do as you please"

and walked out of the room when she came in front of rose she looked at Rose said

" you won't survive little girl .when you couldn't even handle Edward how will you handle ash??"

Rose now looking at Alina in a new light. how come all of these people knew about rose? who

are they? what are they after? Rose look toward Ash as she has many questions for him. when

ash saw Rose was looking at him he just look away. Alina went out of the house. ash also going

upstairs to his room.

Rose doesn't know where to go. then she remembers the first day. when she came ad took her

to a room .she thought about going there. then she also went upstairs. she went in the opposite

direction of the ash room.

"where are you going?" Ash asked and Rose indicate toward that room.

" Why are you going in that room?"

now Rose was confused. as all her cloth was in that room .so she indicates towards her dress.

"you want to change. then why are you going to that room? your dress is all in my room."

Rose become very shy as she doesn't know what to say or where to look in this situation. just a

few minutes ago they have such an INTIMATE interaction. now she has to change in his room.

although she was brought up still she doesn't dare to face it.

" are you going to stand there the whole day?" ash asked.

Rose shook her head as no and start heading toward his room. ash went into the shower. Rose

took a deep breath and take some cloth and run into the opposite room. she took the shower


when she entered the shower she saw her bleeding lips and start remembering all the thing

that happened in the car. she starts blushing but suddenly she stopped. why is she feeling like

that ??? she was held against her will in here. although she never protests but she was brought

here from the auction. so whatever she is feeling is not RIGHT. but why she feels that not right

thing feels like the best thing to her. she was in dilemma.

on the other side, ash took a shower .he also saw his lips and remember what he did in the car.

then he remembered rose hugging him. he suddenly becomes angry and broke the mirror in

front of the shower. his hand was bleeding profusely .the water running down become red by his

blood but he doesn't feel any pain. he wants to wash away Rose's smell from his body. but every

time he tried he feel more and more of her. finally, after 30 minutes he left the shower. Rose was

already in his room. she was drying her hair .when she looked toward ash she looked down. as

she can't look into his eyes.

suddenly her eyes caught on Ash hand which was bleeding. she ran toward him and took his

hand. Ash shook Rose hand away. and said

"what are you doing ?"

Rose look at him and point towards his hand. she also looks at his hand and saw it was still

bleeding .ash Said

" leave it .you don't have to do anything. just mind your own business "

he starts walking toward the dressing table. Rose was hurt by his word. but WHY ????

she doesn't have time to think that .all she wants was to treat Ash. she went into the washroom

and saw a medical kit in there. she took it and came to the room. ash was sitting in the bed and

typing something on his laptop. rose came near him and put the laptop away. Ash wants to say

something but before he could rose put a finger on his mouth. he was never treated like that so

he doesn't know how to behave. Rose seat beside him in bed and start applying for medicine.

Ash doesn't feel anything but when Rose was removing tiny glass pieces from his hand. But She

starts crying.

ash looked towards her and saw She was crying. he has an urge to weep with those tears. but he

stops himself. and said,

"why are you crying ?"

rose point toward his hand.

"it is not painful, "ash said

"don't you think you should treat your neck"

ash indicated the finger marks on her neck. as it becomes dark.

Rose remember what happened in the car. she doesn't say anything .she feel that ash used her

as a toy.

to tortured her

to find pleasure in her

this time rose cried for herself.

"so now you are feeling pain," ash said and took away his hand. and added

"you don't have to treat someone who hurt you. someone like me doesn't deserve your kindness"

he wants to walk away from her. but Rose took hold of his hand and try to pull him. ash doesn't

understand why she was doing it ?? so ash just ask her directly

"Why are you doing this? what will you gain from this? if you think that by showing this kindness I

will let you go then you are wrong. I won't ."

rose doesn't show any emotion but pulls him against her. Ash become helpless and sit beside

her. Rose start applying medicine over his injured hand. after applying it She bandages it. and try

to walk away but this time ash stopped her. and said

"apply medicine to your neck"

rose doesn't say anything just stand there.

" don't tell me you start to hear less"

ash asked but Rose doesn't reply anything. then he pulled her to his lap and started to apply for

medicine on her.

how odd it is ...both of them was the cause of the other's pain. but both treated each other. it is

like FATE is having a CRUEL game with both of them .when he finished he let her go. Rose was in

an awkward position. when she was about to go from his room; ash phone started ringing. she

stops and looks at him answering the phone.

but ash doesn't speak anything. on the other side a male voice came in and said

" tomorrow at 10:00 be at home:" and cut the call.

he doesn't elaborate anything. ash looked toward rose and said

" at 10 tomorrow we are going to Mr Khan home"

Rose remember that ash told Edward's mum that he was not Mr-khan. that means ash doesn't

like Mr Khan. she was thinking that when she went there she might get some clue about how

they all know about Rose. what is their connection to Her. maybe she will find the answer


rose become amazed at herself .when was the last time she was looking forward to something

but after coming to ash home she started to HOPE again .when she was auctioned off she

thought that she will live like death person. but when she was in ash home she felt more alive

than she was ever before .she started looking forward to the next day and what it might hold for


hi; my dear readers. hope you like today's chapter. if you do please REVIEW IT. As a writer, we all

are looking FORWARD to it. I APPRECIATE you all but still we human wants MORE and MORE. ao

please TRY to FULFILL this greediness of mine. love you all.

Please add my book to your library. I will appreciate it.