
How ironic is that if you want something we said it is all up to God to decide. He will decide what

we will get in our life. But when it comes to choosing something we said that we have to choose

the path. Will it lead to the right one or the wrong one is all up to us. then what does this fate

lead to us??? maybe the path in between which we have to choose .... fate leads us to that

point where we have to choose .but fate never decides which part we will take or maybe it

does?? we are just the puppet...

right now Rose was in this dilemma though she doesn't like Ash but she can't say that she also

believes in Alina. Alina can be telling lies. Rose cannot trust Alina and deep down in her heart,

she doesn't want to leave Ash. although they met for only a few days Rose got attached to Ash.

so when fate is leading Rose toward which path she has to choose. she chooses not to leave


so Rose looks toward Alina and shakes her head as no.

" so you won't leave ash?"

Rose didn't move her head.

" fine but you will regret it. mark my work "saying this Alina left the place.

Leo also came too close to rose and give a smile

"so you are that infamous rose. Nice meeting with you ."

Before Rose could take a good look at him properly Leo left the place. Rose became

disappointed as she doesn't come to know anything today. but she doesn't lose hope. she knew

that one day she will find the truth and punish all those who are behind it.

~on the other side~

Ash reached the city .his assistant and said

"Sir we have an emergency "

Ash just nodded his head. they went near a building; got inside; the assistant took Ash toward

the underground.

There he meets with Roy and Levi.

"what are you both doing here ?"

Roy said that "we also got a call . so those bastards already start their plan ".

Roy said that

" they are planning for it for many years "

"even if they took hundreds of years they can never beat us" ash replied

Levi asked, "what are you planning?"

" We already have our princess. all we need is her signature "

Levi look towards Roy and ash and ask

" Are you talking about roses ?? but as far as I know Rose doesn't have any shares in that

company. "

"she has not only some share. she has 40% of the share "

Levi was shocked to hear it.

" how come she has those many shares? isn't there the condition that Rose share is transferred

to the Edwards name?"

" it is not that simple .when Rose dad writes the will it clearly states that as long as rose live or

Bela live their share can't be transferred to anyone. That's why they gave the power of attorney

to Edwards but now that Rose is back then the power of attorney will go to Rose and her sister.

But as Bella already got married so she is safe. I don't think Edward will kill her but for Rose, we

have to be careful. Our game will change if Rose dies ." ash said.

Roy asked,

" What are you planning to do ash?"

" gain trust; my dear" and smile.

Levi was thinking about something. Roy looked towards Levi and said

"what are you thinking about ?"

Levi just smile and say ;

"nothing ."

"I saw that you are not in yourself for the past 2 days"

Levi gives a faint smile and say)" I am ok. I am just thinking about the future"

ash look toward Levi and say

"you don't have to worry. your brother and I will solve the problem"

Levi just gives a faint smile then they start discussing the share.

when suddenly the assistant came into the room and said

"Masters "

"What happened," Ash asked. then the assistant gives the phone to the ash. He saw that

Edward was holding a conference meeting. Bella was also sitting there. The summary of this

meeting is that Edward was the new CEO of K company and Bella will accompany him.

ash just smile and say

" it so predictable"

Roy said," what are you going to do now? if they came in power it will cause a major

disturbance in the business world ".

"don't worry he will never be in power for very long".

" are you going to make Rose sign that paper, " Roy asked

"yes? I will not only get a signature from Rose but also give her her rightful place "

both Levi And Roy asked

"what !!!"

"yes I'll give her K Company. it was her from the beginning".

Roy was happy to hear it as Ash is not taking revenge on her instead he was giving Rose her

company back. but Levi was not convinced and asked

"what are you planning to do?"

" I am planning to vanish Edward's company, also my dad's company. I want the internal fighting

which Rose will fight for me. Rose will take revenge on Edward and I will ask her to take

revenge on my dad"

" Do you think Rose will agree to it?"

" she will have nothing else to do "

ash looked toward the assistant and said

"start Plan B"

the assistant look frightened and said

" Are you sure Boss ?"

"yes "

the assistant left the place.

Roy asked, "what is the plan B?"

"you will know soon .for now let's go"

they all went into an abandoned building .when they entered; Roy and Levi was looking around

" Where are we?" asked Levi. Ash took them to the bedroom. there they saw a man is tied to a

chair and bleeding profusely. Roy was shocked

" isn't this Edward assistant"?

" yes"

" What is he doing here?"

" came and I will give some answer" then ash Sat down to the level of that tied man and asked

"How did Rose get into that accident ?? was Edward the one planning it ??? or is it someone

else ??"

that man tries to speak but he was in severe pain .ash took hold of his hair and asked

" tell me"

that man cough violently then after few seconds he said that

"I don't know, I only know that Mr Edward was the one who impression ms. rose into that


also, Miss Rose try to commit suicide two times .and try to run away one time. The last time

when she ran away she got successful and we couldn't find her "

Ash was shocked to learn that Rose was trying to kill herself. Somewhere in his mind, he filled

the pain. the pain of losing someone .he felt that if Rose died at that time would he be sad???

but why he is feeling sad?? for him isn't she the one who makes him as cold as stone today ??

but what that man said next brought back Ash from his thought. he said that

" on Rose birthday Edward planning to propose to her"

Roy punched that man and said

"Are you kidding me?? isn't he the one who gave Rose to the people ???"

that man said

" no, it was not Edward. Mr Edward planned to marry her and took hold of her share. but all of

the things changed that night. Edward was not the one who gave Rose to those people. He was

also trying to find Rose".

Now Ash is confused. what is going on?? Then who was the culprit ?? all the time he thought

that Edward was the One . as Edward put Rose into that Asylum. but now they are saying

Edward was not behind this case. then ash thought of Bella .he took hold of that man Chin and


" is it Bella"?

that man said

" he doesn't know"

Roy said that "maybe she is .after all she got married to Edward"

but Levi said that

"no, it's not her"

both ash and Roy look at Levi and said

" How can you be sure?"

Levi look at them and say that

"Bella loves her sister. I know about it. as we both went to the same library. We talked with each

other. "

Ash thinks that maybe Levi is right. On the wedding day, he saw Bella and she was not looking

so happy about her marriage. So who is the culprit behind all of this ???

thinking that he was about to leave the place. two men came toward ash and said

" what are we going to do with him, Boss?"

ash looked toward that man who was tied in the chair said that

" release him. but after he took his last breath"

saying this ash left the place.

Ash was thinking about what he would do next.

if Edward, not the culprit then who is it??

is it Alina???

or is it someone else????

Please if you still didn't add it to your library add it. Love you all.