This is your Greatest plan??!!!

Ash took Rose to the car. He drives the car. Rose was curious to know where they were going.

so she took the phone and write

"where are we going "

"you will know"

Rose looked outside and saw they were passing the city and came to a remote area. she

doesn't know about this place. Suddenly she heard a song. She looked toward ash and saw him

start to play the radio.

"perfect " was playing on that radio station. and ash starts to sing along with it.

His voice was heavy but beautiful. Rose has the urge to sing along with him. but when she tried

her voice didn't come out. Instead, she started to cough. As soon as ash heard it he stopped the

car and came out. He took water and gave it to rose. rose drink up.

"what happened?"

rose write

"nothing. I just try to sing but guess after not using voice for too long it affects my vocal cord"

Ash looked at Rose and then he hugged her. Rose was stiff under his hug.

"You really try to sing? i am so happy rose"

rose write

"I love to sing. It's my dream to be a singer and songwriter. but"

Rose did not write any more.

"it's ok. I will have the best doctor for you to have your voice back. you will sing again. I promise


sh said this with determination. Rose was moved by his efforts. It's nearly 2years since

someone put effort into her well-being. Rose hugged Ash back and started crying.

crying for her luck

crying for love that she lost

crying for her circumstance

crying for her lost voice

crying for her lost trust

she cries her heart out.

After some time she stopped crying. all this time; ash just hugged her and patted her back. after

she stops crying. Ash gave her tissue. She cleaned her face. ash ask

"Rose, will you accept treatment for your voice? I want you to speak. I want to hear your voice. I

want to listen to your song. Moreover, I want to hear you confess your love for me. so please

accept it"

Rose looked toward ash and saw how much pain it held in this person's eyes. Is it for her? He

really cares for her. so why not give it a try. and Rose also wants to talk with ash. speak with

him. tell him how she feels. so Rose shook her head as yes. Ash hugged Rose and he started

kissing all over her face. After that, he put his forehead on her and said this is the best gift I ever


"thank you rose" rose smile.

"Now let's go to our destination " saying this ash again starts the car.

They went near an isolated place. it's all green and there is a little treehouse in the middle. and

on the right side, there is a cute little pond. And on the left side, there is a cherry blossom tree.

it's rare to find this kind of tree here. but they find it. Also, there is a swing in a branch of the


it's so beautiful that Rose was amazed to see it. It's like a dream home that has everything in it.

ash hold rose hand and she looked at ash. he said

"come to my secret place. I used to come here alone when I am sad or angry. I have many sad

memories here. but now I want to make happy memories in here with you"

he looked at her and his pleading eyes melted rose heart .rose shook her head as yes.

Then they went into the house. It's more like a cottage in a tree. they climbed it and inside it, it's

2 rooms with a large space for dining. Rose immediately fell in love with this cottage. ash said

"wait here"

He got out and then brought a basket. Rose didn't notice it earlier. now that she saw she was


ash again took her hand and ask

"go. freshen up and come down. we will catch fish then cook it. later read a book ."

That's his dating plan!!!!!!. where Rose thought they might go to a movie theatre or amusement

park but here in the cottage. resting and catching fish.. rose smile loudly. Her laugh was like a

flowing river which gave a soothing effect to others. Ash was curious to know why she was

laughing like that??

"What happened??" Why are you laughing??"

rose write

"you never went on a date do u??"

"I did. who do you think I am?"

"Ok and this is from your dating experience??"Rose wrote.

"why??What is so bad about it. we can rest here and know about each other and it's important

to spend time alone to grow love"

hearing the love word rose become tomato red. and smile.

"I surrender to great ash. your plan is supper"

telling this she gives a thumbs up.

"now you are pulling my leg"

Ash also smiled and ran towards her. they encircle the table in the middle. Then after some twist

and turn ash caught rose from behind and pulled her up. both of them are laughing. Their smiles

can be heard around the wood.

After a millennium this wood heard those two people's heart-melting laughing voices. even the

wood might become greenish and come to life.

will ash and rose laughter will last forever.??? or unforeseen events will snatch their happiness


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